C++. Solving of tasks using loop operators for array processing in C++

Solving of tasks using loop operators for array processing in C++. Tasks using the operators of the for, while, do … while loop


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1. Calculation the sum of array items from n real numbers.
1.1. Solving using the for loop
// sum of array items of real numbers
const int MaxN = 100;
int n;
float A[MaxN];
float sum; // result - the sum of array items

// set the value n
n = 10;

// filling the array A with arbitrary values
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
    A[i] = 0.1f * i;

// first reset the value of the sum
sum = 0;

// sum computation loop
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
    sum = sum + A[i];

1.2. Solving using the while loop
// the sum of the items of the array of real numbers - the while loop
const int Max = 100; // maximum number of items in the array
int n; // n = 1..Max - specified number of array items
float A[Max]; // array
float sum; // result - the sum of array elements
int i; // additional variable

// set the value of n
n = 10;

// filling the array A an arbitrary values using the while loop
while (i<n)
    A[i] = 0.1f*i;

// first, reset the value of sum and i
sum = 0;
i = 0;

// the 'while' loop to calculate the sum
while (i<n)
    sum += A[i];

1.3. The solving of the task. The loop ‘do … while’
// the sum of the items of the array of real numbers - the do..while loop
const int Max = 100; // maximum number of items in the array
int n; // n = 1..Max - specified number of array items
float A[Max]; // array
float sum; // result - the sum of array elements
int i; // additional variable

// set the value of n
n = 10;

// filling the array A with arbitrary values using the do..while loop
    A[i] = 0.1f*i;
while (i<n);

// first, reset the value of sum and i
sum = 0;
i = 0;

// the 'while' loop to calculate the sum
    sum += A[i];
while (i<n);

2. Calculation the average of an array of n real numbers

To find the average of the items of the array, you first need to find the sum of the items of the array, and then divide this sum by the number of items in the array.

2.1. Solving. The ‘for’ loop

In the example, the input of array and the number of items of the array are omitted.

// the arithmetic average of the items of the array of real numbers - the for loop
const int Max = 100; // maximum number of items in the array
int n; // n = 1..Max - specified number of array items
float A[Max]; // array
float avg; // the result is the arithmetic average
int i; // additional variable

// set the value n
n = 10;

// input of array A and number of array items n
// ...

// the sum is calculated in the variable avg
avg = 0;

// the 'for' loop to calculate the sum
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    avg += A[i];

// calculation of the arithmetic average
avg = avg / n;

2.2. Solving. The ‘while’ loop

In the example, the input of array and the number of items of the array are omitted.

// the arithmetic average of the array items of real numbers - the while loop
const int Max = 100; // maximum number of items in the array
int n; // n = 1..Max - specified number of array items
float A[Max]; // array
float avg; // the result is the arithmetic average
int i; // additional variable

// input of array A and number of array items n
// ...

// the sum is calculated in the variable avg
avg = 0;
i = 0;

// the 'while' loop to calculate the sum
while (i<n)
    avg += A[i];

// calculation of the arithmetic average
avg = avg / n;

2.3. Solving. The do…while loop

In the example, the input of array and the number of items of the array are omitted.

// the arithmetic average of the array items of real numbers - the do..while loop
const int Max = 100; // maximum number of items in the array
int n; // n = 1..Max - specified number of array items
float A[Max]; // array
float avg; // the result is the arithmetic average
int i; // additional variable

// input of array A and number of array items n
// ...

// the sum is calculated in the variable avg
avg = 0;
i = 0;

// the 'while' loop to calculate the sum
    avg += A[i];
while (i<n);

// calculation of the arithmetic average
avg = avg / n;

3. Item-by-item copying of arrays
3.1. The ‘for’ loop

In this example, a code snippet is provided that copies an array A of 10 floating-point numbers (float) to array B.

// item-by-item copying of arrays - the 'for' loop
const int Max = 100; // maximum number of items in the array
int n; // n = 1..Max - specified number of array items
float A[Max]; // source array
float B[Max]; // destination array
int i; // additional variable

// input of array A and number of array items n
// ...

// the loop of copying A => B
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    B[i] = A[i];

3.2. The while loop

The snippet of copying array A to array B using the while loop

// item-by-item copying of arrays - the 'while' loop
const int Max = 100; // maximum number of items in the array
int n; // n = 1..Max - specified number of array items
float A[Max]; // source array
float B[Max]; // destination array
int i; // additional variable

// input of array A and number of array items n
// ...

// the loop of copying A => B
while (i<n)
    B[i] = A[i];

3.3. The do…while loop

Implementation of copying of arrays using the do … while loop

// item-by-item copying of arrays - the 'do..while' loop
const int Max = 100; // maximum number of items in the array
int n; // n = 1..Max - specified number of array items
double A[Max]; // source array
double B[Max]; // destination array
int i; // additional variable

// input of array A and number of array items n
// ...

// the loop of copying A => B
    B[i] = A[i];
while (i<n);

4. The reversing of array

Suppose there are two arrays with the names A and B. Array A is specified. Get the resulting array B, the inverse of the original array A. In this example the implementation of reversing the array using three loop operators is given.

// Getting the Reverse Array
const int Max = 100; // maximum number of items in the array
int n; // n = 1..Max
double A[Max]; // source array
double B[Max]; // destination array
int i; // additional variable

// input of array A and number of array items n
// ...

// solving the task using the do ... while loop
    B[i] = A[n-i-1];
while (i<n);

// solving the task using the for loop
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    B[i] = A[n-i-1];

// solving the task using the while loop

while (i<n)
    B[i] = A[n-i-1];

5. Array reverse without using an additional array

An array A with n real numbers is specified. Implement the operation of array reversal without using an additional array. In the code below, the array is reversed using the for, while, do … while loops. To solve the task, an additional variable t is added.

Let the following description of data types be given

// Reversing of the array A
const int Max = 100; // maximum number of items in the array
int n; // n = 1..Max
double A[Max]; // array
int i; // additional variable
double t; // additional variable

// input of array A and number of array items n
// ...

Then the solution of the task using the ‘do…while’ loop is as follows

// solving the task using the do ... while loop
    t = A[i];
    A[i] = A[n-i-1];
    A[n-i-1] = t;
while (i < (n/2));

Solving the task using the ‘for’ loop

for (i=0; i<n/2; i++)
    t = A[i]; // using the additional variable t
    A[i] = A[n-i-1];
    A[n-i-1] = t;

Solving the task using the ‘while’ loop.

while (i<n/2)
    t = A[i];
    A[i] = A[n-i-1];
    A[n-i-1] = t;

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