Python. Overloading of operators. Accessing elements by index

Overloading of operators. Accessing elements by index. Methods __getitem__() and __setitem__()


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1. Overload access by index []. Method __getitem__()

To provide access by index in the class, you need to implement the __getitem__() and __setitem__() methods. As a rule, access by index is required in classes that implement data sets (arrays, lists, etc.).

The __getitem__() method is called when the data needs to be read by index. An approximate form of a method declaration in a class might be as follows

class ClassName:
    # Components of the class


    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.objName[index]


  • ClassName – class name;
  • objName – iterated object that is a list, tuple, etc.;
  • index – position (index) of the element in the objName object.

You can, of course, implement the __getitem__() method for a non-iterated object as well, giving it a certain meaning.

After declaring the __getitem__() method, you can access the class object in the usual way using square brackets [ ]

value = ClassName[index] # method __getitem__() is called


  • value – some value;
  • index – position (index) of the iterated object in the ClassName class.


2. Overload access by index [ ]. Setting a new value. Method __setitem__()

The __setitem()__ method is called when it is necessary to write data by index to the class object. This class object is usually a list, a tuple, and so on. Using the __setitem__() method in a class could be something like this

def ClassName:
    # Components of the class


    def __setitem__(self, index, newValue):
        self.objName[index] = newValue


  • ClassName – the name of class;
  • objName – the name of the iterated object for which the value of newValue is set at position index;
  • index – position starting from 0;
  • newValue is the new value set in the objName object.

After implementing the __setitem__() method in a class, you can write data to the iterated object of the class. It looks like this

ClassName[index] = newValue


  • ClassName – class name containing the iterated object;
  • index – element position in the iterated object;
  • newValue – new value.


3. An example demonstrating the implementation of an array of complex numbers and index access to array elements

The example declares an ArrayComplex class that contains the following components:

  • AC – the name of an array of complex numbers. The array is organized as a list. Each array element represents a (re, im) pair, which is a tuple;
  • __init__() is a constructor. Creates an empty AC list;
  • method Add() – provides adding a new complex number to the array. The number is attached as a tuple of the form (re, im) consisting of the real part of the complex number (re) and the imaginary part of the complex number (im);
  • Count() method – returns the length of the AC list;
  • method Print() – displays a list of complex numbers in a convenient form;
  • method __getitem__() – provides reading by the index of the AC list element;
  • method __setitem__() – ensures that a given value is written to the list of AC numbers at a given position (index).


# Access by index. Overloading methods __getitem__(), __setitem__()
# A class that implements an array of complex numbers
class ArrayComplex:
    # 1. Class constructor
    def __init__(self):
        # the array is implemented as a list named AC
        self.AC = [] # create an empty list

    # 2. A method that adds a complex number to a list.
    # The number is added as a tuple.
    # Here re is the real part of a complex number,
    # im - imaginary part of a complex number.
    def Add(self, re, im):
        self.AC = self.AC + [(re, im)]

    # 3. Method that returns the number of array elements
    def Count(self):
        return len(self.AC)

    # 4. Method that displays a list of complex numbers on the screen
    def Print(self, msg):
        s = msg + " => [ "
        for c in self.AC:
            s = s + "(" + str(c[0]) + ", " + str(c[1]) + ") "
        s = s + "]"

    # 5. Methods that provide access by index []
    # 5.1. Reading array element by index
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.AC[index]

    # 5.2. Write element by index,
    # value is a tuple of type (re, im)
    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
        self.AC[index] = value

# ------- Using the class -------
# 1. Create an object of ArrayComplex class
AC = ArrayComplex()

# 2. Add multiple numbers
AC.Add(5, 8)
AC.Add(2, -4)
AC.Add(-3.5, -1.8)
AC.Add(2.8, 1)

# 3. Print the contents of the AC object

# 4. Read the first element of an array
cm1 = AC[0] # AC.__getitem__(0) is called
print("cm1 = ", cm1)

# Read the last element of an array
cm2 = AC[AC.Count()-1]
print("cm2 = ", cm2)

# 5. Write the new value to the array at position 1
AC[1] = (10, 20) # AC.__setitem__(1, (10, 20)) is called

# 6. Display the array

# 7. Get the slice object and output the slice.
objSlice = AC[:AC.Count()]
print("Slice[:Count()-1] => ", objSlice)

# 8. Get the slice containing the first 2 elements
objSlice = AC[:3]
print("Slice[:2] => ", objSlice)


AC => [ (5, 8) (2, -4) (-3.5, -1.8) (2.8, 1) ]
('cm1 = ', (5, 8))
('cm2 = ', (2.8, 1))
AC => [ (5, 8) (10, 20) (-3.5, -1.8) (2.8, 1) ]
('Slice[:Count()-1] => ', [(5, 8), (10, 20), (-3.5, -1.8), (2.8, 1)])
('Slice[:2] => ', [(5, 8), (10, 20), (-3.5, -1.8)])


4. An example demonstrating access to a class object by index. Implementing the Point and ListPoints classes


# Access by index
# A class that describes a point on the coordinate plane,
# the class uses internal fields x, y
class Point:
    # 1. Class constructor
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    # 2. Access methods
    # 2.1. Set a new value of x
    def SetXY(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    # 2.2. Read x, y
    def X(self) : return self.x
    def Y(self) : return self.y

    # Method that displays a point on the screen
    def Print(self, msg):
        s = msg + " = (" + str(self.x) + "; " + str(self.y) + ")";

# A class that describes an array of points named AP
class ListPoints:
    # constructor
    def __init__(self):
        self.AP = [] # Create an empty list

    # A method that adds a point to the end of a list.
    def Add(self, pt):
        self.AP = self.AP + [pt]

    # Method that returns a list of points
    def GetList(self): return self.AP

    # Method that displays a list of points
    def Print(self, msg):
        s = msg + " = [" # generate an output string
        for p in self.AP:
            s = s + "(" + str(p.X()) + "; " + str(p.Y()) + ") "
        print(s + ']\n')

    # Methods that implement access by index
    # Get point by index
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.AP[index]

    # Write a new point at index position
    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
        self.AP[index] = value

# ------- Using classes Point и ListPoints -------
# 1. Create a point
p1 = Point(2, 8.3)

# 2. Create an array of points of type Point
# 2.1. Create the empty array
ArrayPoints = ListPoints()

# 2.2. Add 3 points to array
ArrayPoints.Add(p1) # Add point p1
ArrayPoints.Add(Point(3, 7.1)) # add point (3, 7.1)
ArrayPoints.Add(Point(2, 1.6))

# 2.3. Output array of points

# 3. Read point with index 0
pt = ArrayPoints[0] # here the __getitem__() method is called

# 4. Write a new value to the point with index 1
ArrayPoints[1] = Point(1.5, 2.3) # call the __setitem__() method

# 5. Display the array


p1 = (2; 8.3)
ArrayPoints = [(2; 8.3) (3; 7.1) (2; 1.6) ]

ArrayPoints[0] = (2; 8.3)
ArrayPoints = [(2; 8.3) (1.5; 2.3) (2; 1.6) ]


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