Class Random. Methods for obtaining sets of random numbers
- 1. Method doubles(). Create a data stream containing random numbers of double type
- 2. Method ints(). Get data of type int as a stream of random numbers
- 3. Method longs(). Get data of type long as a stream of random numbers
- 4. Method nextBytes(). Get an array of random numbers of type byte[]
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1. Method doubles(). Create a data stream containing random numbers of double type
The doubles() method creates a stream of data consisting of random numbers of the double type. The numbers have a value between 0 and 1. The method has several implementations. The most common method implementations are as follows
DoubleStream doubles();
DoubleStream doubles(long streamSize);
- streamSize – number of numbers to be generated in the data stream.
The first implementation (without parameters) allows you to create an unlimited data stream. The second implementation of the doubles() method generates a fixed size data stream.
To use the DoubleStream class, you need to include a module.
import java.util.Iterator; // needed to use the Iterator<> class import java.util.Random; // needed to use the Random class import; // needed to use the DoubleStream class public class MathFunctions { public static void main(String[] args) { // 1. Create a stream based on the arbitrary initial value Random r1 = new Random(); // 2. Get a stream of 10 double numbers DoubleStream ds1 = r1.doubles(10); // 3. Get iterator on stream ds1 Iterator<Double> it1 = ds1.iterator(); // 4. Output in a loop 10 random numbers from the stream ds1 System.out.println("Stream ds1:"); while (it1.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } }
Stream ds1: 0.03296957043047 0.5816373543355657 0.6067884839512304 0.3600735235508934 0.5041601996294538 0.8372554459494158 0.7894095095554403 0.23663204256820447 0.5334022228843057 0.5142652199413285
2. Method ints(). Get data of type int as a stream of random numbers
The ints() method creates a stream of random numbers of type IntStream. The most common method implementations are as follows
IntStream ints();
IntStream ints(long streamSize);
- streamSize – number of elements in the data stream of type int.
The first implementation of the method (without parameters) creates a stream of random numbers of type int of unlimited size. The second implementation allows you to set a streamSize limit on the stream.
To use the IntStream type and similar types, you need to include the line at the beginning of the module
In the example, the ints() method with no parameters creates a stream of unlimited size. Then the first 5 elements of the stream are displayed.
import java.util.Iterator; // needed to use the Iterator<> class import java.util.Random; // needed to use Random class import*; // needed to use the IntStream class public class MathFunctions { public static void main(String[] args) { // 1. Create a stream based on an arbitrary initial value Random r1 = new Random(); // 2. Get a stream with an unlimited number of int numbers IntStream rndInt = r1.ints(); // 3. Get iterator on rndInt stream Iterator<Integer> it1 = rndInt.iterator(); // 4. Output 5 random numbers from the rndInt stream in the loop int value; System.out.println("Stream rndInt:"); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { // Get a random number value =; // Display the number on the screen System.out.println(value); } } }
Stream rndInt: 2119189406 -15495572 -2068391741 271674312 742325160
3. Method longs(). Get data of type long as a stream of random numbers
The longs() method is similar to the doubles() and ints() methods. The method generates a stream of random numbers of the LongStream type. The declaration of the most common method implementations is
LongStream longs();
LongStream longs(long streamSize);
- streamSize – the number of long numbers to be formed.
The first implementation of the method generates a stream of numbers of unlimited size. The second implementation generates a stream of 10 numbers.
The example initially generates a stream of 10 random long numbers. This stream is then displayed on the screen.
import java.util.Iterator; // needed to use the Iterator<> class import java.util.Random; // needed to use the Random class import*; // needed to use the LongStream class public class MathFunctions { public static void main(String[] args) { // 1. Create a stream based on an arbitrary initial value Random rnd = new Random(); // 2. Get a stream containing 10 long numbers - the longs() method LongStream stream = rnd.longs(10); // 3. Get an iterator on the stream Iterator<Long> it = stream.iterator(); // 4. Output in a loop 10 random numbers from the stream System.out.println("Stream of Long numbers:"); for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { // Get a random number of type long long value =; // Display the number on the screen System.out.println(value); } } }
Stream of Long numbers: -846271452660413200 -3239665480282540853 -4825523866103987302 -6364844712541754488 752243074034471911 6039172197582870129 9130557788351257634 5320620246218395762 -5038665701090253375 -924371785716259808
4. Method nextBytes(). Get an array of random numbers of type byte[]
The nextBytes() method fills the input array with random numbers of type byte. According to the documentation, the method declaration syntax is as follows
void nextBytes(byte[] bytes);
- bytes – given array of some length. All elements of the array are filled. Array element values are within [-128; 127].
import java.util.Random; public class MathFunctions { public static void main(String[] args) { // 1. Create a stream based on an arbitrary initial value Random rnd = new Random(); // 2. Create array AB with 10 byte elements byte[] AB = new byte[10]; // 3. Fill array AB with random numbers rnd.nextBytes(AB); // 4. Display array on the screen System.out.println("Array AB:"); for (int i=0; i<AB.length; i++) System.out.println(AB[i]+" "); } }
Array AB: -67 -86 98 -61 16 -44 -73 96 -40 -80
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