Overloading the shortened assignment operators
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- 1. Features of overloading shortened assignment operators +=, –=, *=, /=, %=, //=
- 2. Overloading shortened assignment operators. Class Fraction
- 3. An example of overloading shorthand assignment operators. The Point and ArrayPoint classes. Operating with array of points
- Related topics
1. Features of overloading shortened assignment operators +=, –+, *=, /=, %=, //=
To overload the shortened assignment operators in a class, you need to declare the following methods:
- __iadd__() – overloads the shortened assignment operator +=;
- __isub__() – overloads the operator -=;
- __imul__() – overloads the operator *=;
- __idiv__() – overloads the operator /=;
- __ifloordiv__() – overloads //= operator;
- __imod__() – overloads %= operator.
Implementing each of these methods in a class requires receiving two parameters:
- parameter of type self – the current class object (this);
- a parameter that has the type of the given class. This parameter is the object used on the right side of the shortened assignment statement.
After a class implements methods that overload one of the shorthand assignment operators, the following actions can be performed on objects of this class
obj1 op obj2
- obj1, obj2 – class objects;
- op – one of the operations +=, -=, *=, /=, //=, %=.
For example, to overload the += operator in class A, there might be something like the following code
class A: # ... # overloading the += operator def __iadd__(self, obj): # Actions to be performed # ... # Calling the overloaded operator += obj1 = A() obj2 = A() obj1 += obj2
2. Overloading shortened assignment operators. Class Fraction
The example declares a class Fraction. The class declares two internal variables:
- num (self.num) – the numerator of a fraction;
- denom (self.denom) – the denominator of a fraction.
The Fraction class demonstrates +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, //= operators overloading.
# Overloading the +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, //= operators # A class that describes a fraction given by the numerator and denominator: # - num - numerator; # - denom - denominator. class Fraction: # Class constructor, num - numerator, denom - denominator def __init__(self, num, denom): self.num = num self.denom = denom # Correction num, denom if self.num == 0: self.num = 1 if self.denom == 0: self.denom = 1 self.Normal() return #-------------- Operators overloading methods -------------- # Overloading the += operator # Adding another fraction to a given fraction is the __iadd__() method def __iadd__(self, frac): obj = Fraction((self.num*frac.denom+self.denom*frac.num), self.denom*frac.denom) return obj # Overloading the -= operator # Subtraction of another fraction from a given fraction is the __isub__() method def __isub__(self, frac): # subtract fractions obj = Fraction((self.num*frac.denom-self.denom*frac.num), self.denom*frac.denom) return obj # Overloading the *= operator - the __imul__() method def __imul__(self, frac): obj = Fraction(self.num*frac.num, self.denom*frac.denom) return obj # Overloading the /= operator - the __idiv__() method def __idiv__(self, frac): obj = Fraction(self.num*frac.denom, self.denom*frac.num) return obj # Overloading the //= - the __ifloordiv__() method def __ifloordiv__(self, frac): # The method returns the result of dividing fractions in the same way as the idiv() method return Fraction(self.num*frac.denom, self.denom*frac.num) # Overloading the %= operator - the __imod__() method def __imod__(self, frac): # The method returns the inverted fraction: 5/6 => 6/5 return Fraction(self.denom, self.num) # --------------------------------------------------------- # Method that outputs the value of internal coordinates x, y def Print(self, msg): print(msg, " => ", self.num, " / ", self.denom) return # Method that normalizes the fraction 8/12 => 2/3 def Normal(self): t = abs(self.num) i = 1 num = i while i <= t: if ((self.num%i) == 0) and ((self.denom%i) == 0): num = i i = i+1 self.num = self.num / num self.denom = self.denom / num # (-num)/(-denom) => num/denom if (self.num<0) and (self.denom<0): self.num = -self.num self.denom = -self.denom return # Testing f1 = Fraction(1, 2) # constructor f1.Print("f1") f2 = Fraction(2, 3) # constructor f2.Print("f2") f1 += f2 # метод __iadd__() f1.Print("f1+=f2") f1 -= f2 # метод __isub__() f1.Print("f1-=f2") f1 *= f2 # метод __imul__() f1.Print("f1*=f2") f1 /= f2 # метод __idiv__() f1.Print("f1/=f2") f1 //=f2 # метод __ifloordiv__() f1.Print("f1//f2") f1 %= f1 # метод __imod__() f1.Print("f1%=f1")
f1 => 1 / 2) f2 => 2 / 3) f1+=f2 => 7 / 6 f1-=f2 => 1 / 2) f1*=f2 => 1 / 3) f1/=f2 => 1 / 2) f1//f2 => 3 / 4) f1%=f1 => 4 / 3)
3. An example of overloading shorthand assignment operators. The Point and ArrayPoint classes. Operating with array of points
This example declares the Point and ArrayPoint classes. The Point class describes a point on the coordinate plane. The ArrayPoint class describes an array of points. The array is implemented as a list.
In the ArrayPoint class, the shortened assignment operator += is overloaded, which implements the concatenation of arrays of the ArrayPoint type.
# Overloading the += operator to add lists of objects # Class describing a point on the coordinate plane (x; y) class Point: # Constructor def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y # Methods that return the coordinates of a point def GetX(self): return self.x def GetY(self): return self.y # A method that outputs the coordinates of a point def Print(self, msg): print(msg, "=> (", self.x, "; ", self.y, ")") # A class that implements an array of points: # - AP - array of points. # The class overloads the += operator, # which concatenates two arrays of points. class ArrayPoint: # Constructor 2 - creates an empty array def __init__(self): self.AP = [] # array as a list # Method that adds an element to the array def Add(self, pt): self.AP = self.AP + [pt] # Method that returns self.AP array def Get(self): return self.AP # Method that outputs an array of points def Print(self, msg): print(msg) for pt in self.AP: pt.Print("") # Method that overloads the += operator, # the method adds another array to the self.AP array of points def __iadd__(self, AP2): # 1. Combine lists of two objects lst = self.AP + AP2.Get() # 2. Create the resulting object obj = ArrayPoint() # 3. Add list items to obj object for t in lst: obj.Add(t) # Return the resulting object return obj # Testing # 1. Create the array of points AP1 AP1 = ArrayPoint() AP1.Add(Point(2, 3)) AP1.Add(Point(4, 7)) AP1.Add(Point(8, 3)) AP1.Print("AP1") # 2. Create the array of points AP2 AP2 = ArrayPoint() AP2.Add(Point(-2, 4)) AP2.Add(Point(7, 6)) AP2.Print("AP2") # 3. Add arrays AP1 += AP2 AP1.Print("AP1 += AP2")
AP1 ('', '=> (', 2, '; ', 3, ')') ('', '=> (', 4, '; ', 7, ')') ('', '=> (', 8, '; ', 3, ')') AP2 ('', '=> (', -2, '; ', 4, ')') ('', '=> (', 7, '; ', 6, ')') AP1 += AP2 ('', '=> (', 2, '; ', 3, ')') ('', '=> (', 4, '; ', 7, ')') ('', '=> (', 8, '; ', 3, ')') ('', '=> (', -2, '; ', 4, ')') ('', '=> (', 7, '; ', 6, ')')
Related topics
- Overloading operators in classes. General information. Operators overloading methods. Examples
- Accessing elements by index. Methods __getitem__() and __setitem()__
- Overloading binary arithmetic operators in classes: +, –, *, /, //, %