Tag Archives: class

C++. Generalization in functions. Template functions. Keywords template, class, typename. Explicit specialization of template function. Overloading of template function

Continue reading C++. Generalization in functions. Template functions. Keywords template, class, typename. Explicit specialization of template function. Overloading of template function

Java. Inheritance. Basic concepts. Base class and derived class. The keyword ‘extends’. Hiding data in derived classes. Access modifiers private, protected, public

Continue reading Java. Inheritance. Basic concepts. Base class and derived class. The keyword ‘extends’. Hiding data in derived classes. Access modifiers private, protected, public

C++. Operators new and delete[]. Memory allocation for structural variables, objects, classes, arrays. Initialization of allocated memory. Example of reallocation of previously allocated memory

Continue reading C++. Operators new and delete[]. Memory allocation for structural variables, objects, classes, arrays. Initialization of allocated memory. Example of reallocation of previously allocated memory

Java. Packages. Using packages in Java. The import and package directives. Compiled modules (*.java). Intermediate .class files. Project structure. Using standard Java libraries

Continue reading Java. Packages. Using packages in Java. The import and package directives. Compiled modules (*.java). Intermediate .class files. Project structure. Using standard Java libraries