Java, Theory Java. Ensuring type safety by using generalizations. Generalized interfaces. Examples September 11, 2020 BestProgISch Continue reading Java. Ensuring type safety by using generalizations. Generalized interfaces. Examples →
Java, Theory Java. Generalizations. Parameterized types. Generic classes, interfaces, methods August 30, 2020 BestProgISch Continue reading Java. Generalizations. Parameterized types. Generic classes, interfaces, methods →
C#, Theory C#. Data type char. Structure System.Char. Methods May 31, 2020 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. Data type char. Structure System.Char. Methods →
C#, Theory C#. The value of null. Nullable data types December 18, 2019 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. The value of null. Nullable data types →
Python, Theory Python. Mixing types. Type conversion in operators. The rules October 16, 2019 BestProgISch Continue reading Python. Mixing types. Type conversion in operators. The rules →
C#, Theory C#. Categories (groups) of data types in C#. Value types. Reference types. Basic data types. Overview October 10, 2019 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. Categories (groups) of data types in C#. Value types. Reference types. Basic data types. Overview →
Python, Theory Python. Literals. Creation (generation) of an object of some type. Basic types of objects October 2, 2019 BestProgISch Continue reading Python. Literals. Creation (generation) of an object of some type. Basic types of objects →
Python, Theory Python. Presentation of data in Python. The concept of the object. Identity, type, value of the object. The functions id(), type(). Operators is, is not February 2, 2019 BestProgISch Continue reading Python. Presentation of data in Python. The concept of the object. Identity, type, value of the object. The functions id(), type(). Operators is, is not →
C#, Theory C#. Dynamic memory allocation. The ‘new’ operator Memory allocation for value types, structures, enumerations, objects of classes. Memory allocation for arrays October 16, 2018 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. Dynamic memory allocation. The ‘new’ operator Memory allocation for value types, structures, enumerations, objects of classes. Memory allocation for arrays →
Java, Theory Java. Scope of objects. Deleting objects. The advantages of using the “garbage collection” approach for objects August 21, 2018 BestProgISch Continue reading Java. Scope of objects. Deleting objects. The advantages of using the “garbage collection” approach for objects →