Tag Archives: Label

C#. WPF. An example of creating a new application that supports the WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) platform. Creating a hello application “Hello world!”. Overview of the main project files

Continue reading C#. WPF. An example of creating a new application that supports the WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) platform. Creating a hello application “Hello world!”. Overview of the main project files

C#. Windows Forms. The implementation of the concepts of “inheritance” and “polymorphism” in the object-oriented programming through the creation of two classes. The interfaces ICloneable and IEquatable.

Continue reading C#. Windows Forms. The implementation of the concepts of “inheritance” and “polymorphism” in the object-oriented programming through the creation of two classes. The interfaces ICloneable and IEquatable.

C#. Windows Forms. Example the development of application, that demonstrates work with lists and associative arrays. Classes Dictionary, List, StreamReader

Continue reading C#. Windows Forms. Example the development of application, that demonstrates work with lists and associative arrays. Classes Dictionary, List, StreamReader