C#. Using arrays in structures. Arrays of structures. Nested structures. Copying structures

Using arrays in structures. Arrays of structures. Nested structures. Copying structures


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1. How to declare a one-dimensional array of structures? Example

Below is the code that does the following:

  • a structure of type Point describing the coordinates of a point on a plane is declared. The structure contains internal fields (variables x, y), one method of accessing variables, the properties of writing to the structure, and reading data from the structure;
  • declares an array of MP from 10 instances (objects) of structures of type Point;
  • demonstrates the use of an MP array in some method.

Declaring a structure of type Point:

// structure, describing a point on the coordinate plane
struct Point
    int x, y;

    public void SetXY(int nx, int ny)
        x = nx;
        y = ny;

    // property X
    public int X
        get { return x; }
        set { x = value; }

    // property Y
    public int Y
        get { return y; }
        set { y = value; }

Declaring an MP array and using it in the code of some event handler (Windows Forms application).

// one-dimensional array of structures of type Point
Point[] MP; // declaration of a variable of type "array Point"

// allocate memory for the 10 structures of type Point
MP = new Point[10];

// Reset the value of all points in the array MP
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    MP[i].SetXY(0, 0); // use the SetXY() method of structure

// Write some values to an array Point of points
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    // use the X and Y properties
    MP[i].X = i * 2;
    MP[i].Y = i + 1;


2. How to declare a two-dimensional array of structures? Example

Below is an example of declaring and using a two-dimensional array of Point type (see previous paragraph).

// Declaring and using a two-dimensional array of structures of size 10 * 20

// 1. Allocate memory for the 10 strings
Point[][] MP2 = new Point[10][];

// 2. In each line, allocate memory for 20 instances of structures
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
    MP2[i] = new Point[20];

// 3. Filling the fields of structures with arbitrary values
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
        MP2[i][j].X = i + j * 3;
        MP2[i][j].Y = j - i * 2;


3. An example of copying (assigning) one structure to another

Let the declaration of the Date structure defining the date in the calendar be given.

struct Date
    public int day; // day
    public int month; // month
    public int year; // year

    public Date(int nday, int nmonth, int nyear)
        day = nday;
        month = nmonth;
        year = nyear;

The following code demonstrates copying one structure to another.

// copying one structure to another
Date St1;
Date St2;

St1.day = 14;
St1.month = 1;
St1.year = 1972;

// copying the structures, structures are placed in different parts of memory
St2 = St1;

int d, m, y;
d = St2.day;   // d = 14
m = St2.month; // m = 1
y = St2.year; // y = 1972

St1.month = 5; // St1.month = 5; St2.month = 1;

As you can see from the example, the instances of the structures are located in different parts of memory.


4. An example of a structure that implements interface methods

As you know, you can implement interface methods in structures. The following example shows the use of interface methods in structures.

Let the IPoint interface and the Point type structure be given that have the same declaration

// The interface that will be used in the Point structure
interface IPoint
    // interface methods
    bool IsPointOnPoint(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);

// the Point structure inherits the interface
struct Point : IPoint
    public int x, y;

    // an explicitly defined constructor
    public Point(int nx, int ny)
        x = nx;
        y = ny;

    // Implementation of the interface method in the structure
    public bool IsPointOnPoint(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
        bool f;
        f = false;
        if ((x1 == x2) && (y1 == y2))
            f = true;
        return f;

The interface describes the method IsPointOnPoint (), which can be implemented in the structure of Point. The Point structure inherits the IPoint interface. The IsPointOnPoint() method determines whether the points have the same x, y coordinates.

The following code shows how to use a Point type structure and call the IsPointOnPoint() interface method.

// Using a structure that inherits the interface
Point P;
bool res;

P.x = P.y = 0;

// call the IsPointOnPoint () interface method implemented in the Point structure
res = P.IsPointOnPoint(3, 5, 6, 6); // res = false
res = P.IsPointOnPoint(3, 7, 3, 7); // res = true


5. What are the features of using arrays in structures? Example of using arrays in a structure

If an array is declared in the structure, memory must always be allocated to it using the new operator.

Example. Let the structure Cars, which describes the park of cars, be given. The structure declares several arrays that determine the characteristics of cars.

// structure that describes a car fleet
struct Cars
    public int n; // number of cars
    public string[] model; // car model
    public int[] year; // year of issue
    public float[] engine; // engine power
    public string[] country; // Manufacturer country
    public bool[] on_the_run; // true - the car on the move

The following code demonstrates the use of arrays in the structure

// the use of arrays in structures
Cars C; // declaration of a structured variable

// forming an array of 10 cars
C.n = 10;

// allocating memory for arrays in structures - mandatory
C.model = new string[C.n];
C.year = new int[C.n];
C.engine = new float[C.n];
C.country = new string[C.n];
C.on_the_run = new bool[C.n];

// Array filling with arbitrary values
for (int i = 0; i < C.n; i++)
    C.model[i] = "Model - " + (i + 1).ToString();
    C.year[i] = 2000 + i;
    C.engine[i] = 1.2f + 0.1f * i;
    C.country[i] = "Country - " + (i + 1).ToString();
    C.on_the_run[i] = ((i % 2) == 0) ? true : false; // true - pair, false - odd


6. An example of using nested structures in programs

The example declares three structures named Date, WorkerName, Worker. The Worker structure describes employee information and contains two nested Date and WorkerName structures. Also, the Worker structure contains an array of float-type numbers.

// nested structures
// structure that describes the date
struct Date
    public int day; // day
    public int month; // month
    public int year; // year

// A structure that describes the name of the employee
struct WorkerName
    public string name; // name
    public string surname; // surname
    public string patronymic; // patronymic

// structure that describes information about the employee
struct Worker
    public WorkerName Name; // last name and first name
    public Date BirthDate; // Date of Birth
    public string code; // identification code
    public int rank; // employee category
    public float[] salary; // accrued monthly salary

Using the Worker structure in another program code

// array of 5 structures like Worker
Worker[] W = new Worker[5];

// allocating memory for the salary field, which is an array - necessarily!

for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
    W[i].salary = new float[12];

// filling the array W
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    W[i].Name.name = "Name of worker - " + i.ToString();
    W[i].Name.surname = "Surname of worker - " + i.ToString();
    W[i].Name.patronymic = "Patronymic of worker - " + i.ToString();
    W[i].BirthDate.day = 1;
    W[i].BirthDate.month = 1;
    W[i].BirthDate.year = 1972;
    W[i].code = "1234567890";
    W[i].rank = i + 2;

    for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
        W[i].salary[j] = (float)(i * 500 + 220.00);


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