I. Theory
- 1. …
- 2. Basic concepts of JavaScript
- 2.1. Variables. Data types
- 2.1.1. Variables. Primitive data types. Comments. Constants. Keywords var, const. Operator typeof
- 2.1.2. Object Number
- Numeric data type Number. Conversion functions between numeric type and other types. Functions Number(), parseInt(), parseFloat()
- Functions that determine the current state of Number object. Functions isFinite(), isInteger(), isNaN(), isSafeInteger()
- Functions for representing the Number object in different notations. Functions toExponential(), toFixed(), toLocaleString(), toPrecision(), toString(), valueOf()
- Properties of Number object
- 2.2. Operators
- 2.3. Control operators
- 2.4. Arrays
- 2.5. Methods for working with arrays
- 2.5.1. Methods for working with arrays. The list. Method at(). Methods that define information about array as a whole: every(), some(), include()
- 2.5.2. Methods that receive data from an array without changing the array itself: indexOf(), lastIndexOf(), find(), findIndex(), slice(), concat(), toString(), join()
- 2.5.3. Methods that modify array. Part 1. Methods sort(), reverse(), forEach(), filter(), map(), copyWithin(), splice()
- 2.5.4. Methods that modify array. Part 2. Methods pop(), push(), reduce(), reduceRight(), shift(), unshift(), fill()
- 2.1. Variables. Data types
II. Practice