Data type char. Structure System.Char. Methods
- 1. Features of the char data type. The internal representation. The structure System.Char
- 2. A variable declaration of type char. Examples of char constants
- 3. How to determine code of character. Example
- 4. Examples of methods that are implemented in a structure of type Char
- 4.1. Method IsControl(). Determining if a character is a control character
- 4.2. Method IsDigit(). Determining if a character is a number
- 4.3. Method IsLetter(). Determining if a character is alphabetic
- 4.4. Method IsLower(). Determining if a character is lowercase
- 4.5. Method IsUpper(). Determining if a character is uppercase
- 4.6. Method IsNumber(). Determining if a character is a number
- 4.7. Method IsSeparator(). Determines if the character is a separator
- 4.8. Method IsWhiteSpace(). Determines if a character is a space
- 4.9. Method ToLower(). Converts a character to lowercase
- 4.10. Method ToUpper(). Converts a character to uppercase
- 5. Constants MinValue, MaxValue
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1. Features of the char data type. The internal representation. The structure System.Char
The .NET Framework char data type is introduced to represent a single character. Each character is encoded in Unicode format. The Unicode format uses the UTF-16 code form, in which each character is represented by a 16-bit numeric positive value.
Bit depth of 16 bits (rather than 8 bits, as it was before) is explained by the fact that it is necessary to ensure the representation of wide character sets in some languages. For example, in Chinese, the number of characters used cannot be placed in the number of possible values that an 8-bit representation of a character gives.
In C #, each 16-bit value is represented by a range from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF and is placed in the System.Char structure.
The System.Char structure represents methods that are grouped by the following criteria:
- comparing objects of type char;
- converting the current char-object to an object of another type;
- character case conversion;
- category definition of the current character.
2. A variable declaration of type char. Examples of char constants
The char data type can represent different kinds of characters:
- characters that are displayed on the keyboard;
- special control characters such as ‘\n’, ‘\b’, ‘\t’ and others.
The following are examples of declaring a variable of type char and using some character constants
char c1; // Declaring a variable of type char char c2 = '\x173'; // Declaring with initialization c1 = ' '; // space character c1 = '\x20'; // space character in the form of code in the 16th number system c2 = '\n'; // newline character c2 = 'Z'; // uppercase letter Z c2 = 'z'; // lowercase letter z
3. How to determine code of character. Example
To determine the chararacter code, you need to implement an explicit cast operation, as shown below.
char c = '\x20'; // Declaration with initialization uint code; code = (uint)c; // code = 32 (in decimal) c = '\n'; code = (uint)c; // code = 10 c = 'D'; code = (uint)c; // code = 68
4. Examples of methods that are implemented in a structure of type Char
The char type is an alias of the System.Char type structure, which has a number of methods. The main ones are listed below.
4.1. Method IsControl(). Determining if a character is a control character
The IsControl() method determines whether a character belongs to the category of control characters according to Unicode encoding. Control characters include ‘\n’, ‘\t’, ‘\b’ and others. The method returns a value of type bool and has two overloaded implementations.
The general form of the first implementation of the method is as follows:
bool char.IsControl(char c);
here c – verifiable character. If c is the control character, then the function returns true.
The general form of the second implementation of the method is as follows:
bool char.IsControl(string s, int index);
- s – string in which the check occurs;
- index – the position of the character in string s for which the check is performed. If c is the control character, then the function returns true.
// Determine if there is a symbol of control category bool fRes; fRes = char.IsControl('.'); // fRes = false fRes = char.IsControl('\t'); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsControl('\\'); // fRes = false fRes = char.IsControl('\n'); // fRes = true // Is there a character at the given position of the given string by the control fRes = char.IsControl("abcd\nghi", 4); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsControl("abcd\nghi", 3); // fRes = false
4.2. Method IsDigit(). Determining if a character is a number
The IsDigit() method is designed to determine if a character is a digit. The method has two overloaded implementations:
bool char.IsDigit(char c); bool char.IsDigit(string s, int index);
- c – character to check;
- s – the string in which the character at the index position is checked. The specified character is denoted by s[index].
If the specified character is a digit, then the function returns true.
// 2. Determine if a character is a number bool fRes; char c = '7'; fRes = System.Char.IsDigit(c); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsDigit('a'); // fRes = false fRes = char.IsDigit('.'); // fRes = false fRes = char.IsDigit("550", 0); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsDigit("A50", 0); // fRes = false
4.3. Method IsLetter(). Determining if a character is alphabetic
The IsLetter() method returns true if the specified character is alphabetic. The symbol is specified by one of two overloaded implementations of the method
bool char.IsLetter(char c); bool char.IsLetter(string s, int index);
// Determine if a character is alphabetic bool fRes; fRes = char.IsLetter('z'); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsLetter(';'); // fRes = false fRes = System.Char.IsLetter('\n'); // fRes = false fRes = char.IsLetter("\na+-8", 1); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsLetter("\na+-8", 2); // fRes = false
4.4. Method IsLower(). Determining if a character is lowercase
The IsLower() method returns true if the specified character is lowercase. The method has two overloaded implementations
bool char.IsLower(char c); bool char.IsLower(string s, int index);
- c – character to check;
- s – the string in which the character at the index position is defined.
// Determine if a character is lowercase bool fRes; fRes = char.IsLower('Z'); // fRes = false fRes = char.IsLower(';'); // fRes = false fRes = char.IsLower("hELLO wORLD!", 0); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsLower("ABCD", 2); // fRes = false
4.5. Method IsUpper(). Determining if a character is uppercase
The IsUpper() method is used to determine whether a character is in uppercase. In this case, the method returns true. The method has two overloaded implementations
bool char.IsUpper(char c); bool char.IsUpper(string s, int index);
- c – character to check;
- s – the string in which the character at the index position is checked. The character to be checked has a value of s[index].
// Determine if a character is uppercase bool fRes; fRes = char.IsUpper('Ю'); // fRes = true, cyrillic characters are also processed. fRes = char.IsUpper('ю'); // fRes = false fRes = char.IsUpper("abc+DEF", 4); // fRes = true
4.6. Method IsNumber(). Determining if a character is a number
The IsNumber() method determines whether a character is a number. If the character is a number, the method returns true. The method has two overloaded implementations:
bool char.IsNumber(char c); bool char.IsNumber(string s, int index);
- c – character to check;
- s – string containing the character to be checked. The character position is specified by the index parameter.
// Determine if a character is a number bool fRes; fRes = char.IsNumber('8'); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsNumber('\t'); // fRes = false fRes = char.IsNumber("2+2=5", 2); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsNumber("2+2=4", 3); // fRes = false
4.7. Method IsSeparator(). Determines if the character is a separator
The IsSeparator() method is used to determine whether a character belongs to the separator category according to Unicode encoding. If the character is a separator, then the method returns true. The method has two overloaded implementations:
bool char.IsSeparator(char c); bool char.IsSeparator(string s, int index);
- c – character to check;
- s – a string in which at the index position the character to be checked is obtained.
// Determine if a character is a separator fRes = char.IsSeparator(' '); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsSeparator(','); // fRes = false fRes = char.IsSeparator('\n'); // fRes = false fRes = char.IsSeparator('\t'); // fRes = false
4.8. Method IsWhiteSpace(). Determines if a character is a space
The IsWhiteSpace() method determines whether a character belongs to the category of whitespace according to Unicode encoding. White space characters include a space, a tab character, a newline character, etc. If successful, the method returns true.
There are two implementations of the method:
bool char.IsWhiteSpase(char c); bool char.IsWhiteSpase(string s, int index);
- c – character being checked;
- s – a string in which the character to be checked is determined at the index position. The value of a character is defined as s[index].
// Determine if a character is a space bool fRes; fRes = char.IsWhiteSpace('\t'); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsWhiteSpace('\n'); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsWhiteSpace(' '); // fRes = true fRes = char.IsWhiteSpace('\b'); // fRes = false fRes = char.IsWhiteSpace(';'); // fRes = false
4.9. Method ToLower(). Converts a character to lowercase
The ToLower() method is used to translate a character to lowercase (if possible). The method returns the converted character. According to the .NET Framework documentation, the method has two overloaded implementations
char char.ToLower(char c); char char.ToLower(char c, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture);
- c – a character that is lowercase
- culture – culture information which is located in the System.Globalization.Culture class. Culture describes the names for the culture, the writing system, the calendar used, sort order, and formatting for strings and dates.
// Convert character to lowercase char c1, c2; c2 = 'A'; c1 = char.ToLower(c2); // c1 = 'a' c1 = char.ToLower(c2, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); // c1 = 'a' c1 = char.ToLower(c2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // c1 = 'a' c1 = char.ToLower('+'); // c1 = '+'
4.10. Method ToUpper(). Converts a character to uppercase
The ToUpper() method is used to translate the specified character in upper case (if possible). If conversion is possible (a character has a two-case representation), the method returns a uppercase character. If conversion is not possible, the value of the original character is returned. According to the documentation of the .NET Framework, the method has two overloaded implementations:
char char.ToUpper(char c); char char.ToUpper(char c,
- c – character, which translates to lower case;
- culture – Information about the culture, which is located in System.Globalization.Culture class. Culture describes the names for the culture, the recording system, the calendar used, sort order, and formatting for strings and dates.
// Converting the character to uppercase char c1, c2; c2 = 'k'; c1 = char.ToUpper(c2); // c1 = 'K' c1 = char.ToUpper('f'); // c1 = 'F' c1 = char.ToUpper('='); // c1 = '='
5. Constants MinValue, MaxValue
Two constants are introduced in the System.Char structure:
- MinValue – represents the minimum char value that is equal to ‘\0’;
- MaxValue – represents the maximum allowed value of type char, which is equal to ‘\uffff’.
An appeal to each constant in the program can be like this
char.MinValue char.MaxValue
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