Patterns. Examples of implementation of the Adapter pattern in C#

Examples of implementation of the Adapter pattern in C#

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1. Structure of the Adapter pattern

The Adapter pattern has two features, which differ in implementation and results:

  • adapter for class (Figure 1). In this case, the inheritance mechanism is used;
  • adapter for object (Figure 2). In this case, object composition is used.


Adapter for class

Figure 1. Adapter for class

Adapter for object

Figure 2. Adapter for object


2. The Adapter pattern for the class.

Below is an implementation of the Adapter pattern for a class, which contains the same names as shown in Figure 1.

// The Adapter pattern for the class. Solution in C#
using System;
using static System.Console;

namespace ConsoleApp10
  // Adapts the Adaptee class to the ITarget interface through the Adapter intermediate class
  // The ITarget interface
  interface ITarget
    public void Request();

  // The class whose method needs to be adapted to another system.
  // In this case, adapting the name of the SpecificRequest() method to the Request() method
  class Adaptee
    // Some specific method
    public void SpecificRequest()

  // Class Adapter - implements the ITarget interface and inherits the Adapter class
  class Adapter : Adaptee, ITarget
    // Implementation of method Request() of interface ITarget
    public void Request()
      // In the middle of the method, the Specific Request() method of the Adapter() class is called

  // Class Client - gets a reference to ITarget interface
  class Client
    // some method of class Client
    public void ClientMethod(ITarget target)

  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      // Demonstration of the Adapter pattern for a class.
      // Task.
      // You need to adapt the Adaptee instance to the needs of the Client instance.
      // 1. Create the instance of Client class
      Client client = new Client();

      // 2. Create an instance of the Adapter class that references the ITarget interface
      ITarget target = new Adapter();

      // 3. Pass target to the client


3. Adapter for object

The following code demonstrates the implementation of the Adapter pattern for an object from Figure 2.

// The Adapter pattern for the object. Solution in C#
using System;
using static System.Console;

namespace ConsoleApp10
  // Adapts the Adaptee class to the Target interface via the Adapter intermediate class
  // Interface ITarget
  interface ITarget
    public void Request();

  // The class whose method needs to be adapted to another system.
  // In this case, adapt the name of the SpecificRequest() method to the Request() method
  class Adaptee
    // Some specified method
    public void SpecificRequest()

  // Class Adapter - implements the ITarget interface
  class Adapter : ITarget
    private Adaptee adaptee; // reference to Adaptee

    // Constructor
    public Adapter(Adaptee adaptee)
      // initialize internal reference adaptee with parameter
      this.adaptee = adaptee;

    // Implementation of Request() method of ITarget interface
    public void Request()
      // In the middle of the method, the Specific Request() method of the Adapter() class is called

  // Class Client - receives a reference to ITarget interface
  class Client
    // some method of class Client
    public void ClientMethod(ITarget target)

  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      // Demonstration of the Adapter pattern for an object.
      // Task.
      // You need to adapt the Adaptee instance to the needs of the Client instance.
      // 1. Let some instances of Client and Adaptee classes be given
      Client client = new Client();
      Adaptee adaptee = new Adaptee();

      // 2. Create an instance of the Adapter class, pass an instance of the Adaptee class
      //   to the constructor of the Adapter class
      ITarget target = new Adapter(adaptee);

      // 3. Pass target to the client


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