Ranges (Intervals). The .. operator. Applying intervals in conditions (if), loops (for), selection (when). The in operator. Interval types IntRange, CharRange, LongRange
- 1. Ranges (intervals). Declaration syntax. Operator . .
- 2. Creating variables that are ranges. Assigning a range to a reference
- 3. Range types CharRange, IntRange, LongRange. Declaring and using an interval type variable
- 4. The in operator. Combining the in operator with intervals
- 5. Using ranges in the if statement. Examples
- 6. Using ranges in the when operator
- 7. Using ranges in the for loop statement
- Related topics
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1. Ranges (intervals). Declaration syntax. Operator . .
Intervals or ranges allow you to specify a sequence of possible values between some starting and ending value. The intervals are defined using the operator .. and in the general case have the following form
begin_value .. end_value
- begin_value – a value that defines the beginning of the range;
- end_value – final range value.
2. Creating variables that are ranges. Assigning a range to a reference
To create a read-only variable that is a range, use the following syntax
val varName = begin_value .. end_value
To create a range mutable variable, you need to use the following notation
var varName = begin_value .. end_value
If a variable is declared as a range, then its value can be overridden by another range of the same range type.
3. Range types CharRange, IntRange, LongRange. Declaring and using an interval type variable
The Kotlin language supports three interval types CharRange, IntRange, LongRange, which define the range of values for char, int, long, respectively. It is allowed to declare a variable of a range type and then assign appropriate ranges to it.
// Declare variables of interval types // 1. Range of values of type int var seconds : IntRange seconds = 0..59 val miliseconds : IntRange = 0..100 // 2. Range of values of type long var bigNumbers : LongRange = 0..1_000_000_000_000_000 // reassigning a range of type long bigNumbers = 0..1_000L // 3. Range of char values var chars : CharRange // character type chars = 'a'..'z' // reassigning a range of type char chars = 'A'..'Z' // this is not possible - compilation error, mismatch of CharRange and IntRange types //chars = 1..10
4. The in operator. Combining the in operator with intervals
The in operator is used to determine if a value is included in an interval. To check if a value is within the specified range, use the following syntax
valueName in begin_value .. end_value
- valueName – a variable or value that is checked for belonging to an interval ranging from begin_value to end_value.
The result of the in operator is true (if the variable is within the range) or false (the variable is outside the range).
5. Using ranges in the if statement. Examples
5.1. Determining the belonging of the day of the week
Task. The number of the day of the week is set (1..7). Determine what day it is: working or weekend.
fun main(args:Array<String>) { // Ranges, the .. operator // 1. Declare variables val day : Int // 2. Input the day of the week print("day = ") day = readLine().toString().toInt() // 3. Calculation if (day in 1..5) println("Workday.") else if (day in 6..7) println("Day off.") else println("Incorrect input.") }
Test example
day = 3 Workday.
5.2. Determination of the age category of a person
Task. Develop a program that asks for a user’s name and age and determines which age category he belongs to:
- from 1 to 10 years old – a child;
- from 11 to 15 years old – teenager;
- from 16 to 20 years old – a younker;
- from 21 to 30 years old – a young person;
- after 31 years – an adult.
fun main(args:Array<String>) { // Ranges, operator .. // 1. Declare variables val name : String val age : Int // 2. Input data print("name = ") name = readLine().toString() print("age = ") age = readLine().toString().toInt() // 3. Checking if the input is correct if (age<=0) println("Incorrect input") // 4. Calculations if (age in 1..10) println("Child.") else if (age in 11..15) println("Teenager") else if (age in 16..20) println("Younker (young woman)") else if (age in 21..30) println("Young person") else println("Adult") }
Test example
name = Ihor age = 49 Adult
6. Using ranges in the when operator
6.1. Determining the season by the number of the month
Task. Using the when operator and ranges, develop a program that, by the number of the month (1..12), determines the name of the season to which it belongs.
fun main(args:Array<String>) { // Ranges, operators in, .. // 1. Declare variables val month : Int // 2. Input data print("month = ") month = readLine().toString().toInt() // 3. Calculation when (month) { in 1..2, 12 -> println("Winter") in 3..5 -> println("Spring") in 6..8 -> println("Summer") in 9..11 -> println("Autumn") else -> println("Incorrect input.") } }
Test example
month = 8 Summer
6.2. Determination of the zodiac sign
Task. A day number and a month number are specified, which determine the person’s date of birth. Develop a program that determines which sign of the zodiac belongs to a person’s date of birth:
- 20.01 – 18.02 – Aquarius
- 19.02 – 20.03 – Fish
- 21.03 – 19.04 – Aries
- 20.04 – 20.05 – Taurus
- 21.05 – 21.06 – Gemini
- 22.06 – 22.07 – Cancer
- 23.07 – 22.08 – Leo
- 23.08 – 22.09 – Virgo
- 23.09 – 22.10 – Libra
- 23.10 – 22.11 – Scorpio
- 23.11 – 21.12 – Sagittarius
- 22.12 – 19.01 – Capricorn
In the program, consider that the year is not a leap year.
fun main(args:Array<String>) { // Ranges, operators in, .. // 1. Declare variables val day : Int val month : Int // 2. Input data print("day = ") day = readLine().toString().toInt() print("month = ") month = readLine().toString().toInt() // 3. Calculation when { (month==1)&&(day in 1..19) || (month==12)&&(day in 22..31) -> println("Capricorn") (month==1)&&(day in 20..31) || (month==2)&&(day in 1..18) -> println("Aquarius") (month==2)&&(day in 19..28) || (month==3)&&(day in 1..20) -> println("Fish") (month==3)&&(day in 21..31) || (month==4)&&(day in 1..19) -> println("Aries") (month==4)&&(day in 20..30) || (month==5)&&(day in 1..20) -> println("Taurus") (month==5)&&(day in 21..31) || (month==6)&&(day in 1..21) -> println("Gemini") (month==6)&&(day in 22..30) || (month==7)&&(day in 1..22) -> println("Cancer") (month==7)&&(day in 23..31) || (month==8)&&(day in 1..22) -> println("Leo") (month==8)&&(day in 23..31) || (month==9)&&(day in 1..22) -> println("Virgo") (month==9)&&(day in 23..30) || (month==10)&&(day in 1..22) -> println("Libra") (month==10)&&(day in 23..31) || (month==11)&&(day in 1..22) -> println("Scorpio") (month==11)&&(day in 23..30) || (month==12)&&(day in 1..21) -> println("Sagittarius") else -> println("Incorrect input.") } }
Test example
day = 14 month = 1 Capricorn
7. Using ranges in a for loop statement
7.1. Convert pounds to kilograms
Task. Print a pound to kilogram conversion table for pounds from 1 to 10 (1 pound = 453 grams).
fun main(args:Array<String>) { // Ranges, operators in, .. // Print correspondence table 1 lb = 0.453 kg // 1. Declare variables var lb : Int var kg : Double // 2. Input table for (lb in 1..10) { kg = lb * 0.453 println("lb.: " + lb + " => " + kg + " kg.") } }
The result of the program
lb.: 1 => 0.453 kg. lb.: 2 => 0.906 kg. lb.: 3 => 1.359 kg. lb.: 4 => 1.812 kg. lb.: 5 => 2.265 kg. lb.: 6 => 2.718 kg. lb.: 7 => 3.1710000000000003 kg. lb.: 8 => 3.624 kg. lb.: 9 => 4.077 kg. lb.: 10 => 4.53 kg.
7.2. The calculation of the arithmetic mean of the numbers
Task. A natural number n and real numbers a1, a2, …, an are given. Determine the arithmetic mean of these numbers. Do not use arrays in the program.
fun main(args:Array<String>) { // Ranges, operators in, .. // Determine the arithmetic mean of a sequence of numbers // 1. Declare variables var avg : Double = 0.0 val n : Int var a : Double // 2. Input n print("n = ") n = readLine().toString().toInt() // 3. Calculation cycle, interval 1..n is used for (i : Int in 1..n) { // input number print("=> ") a = readLine().toString().toDouble() // add to the summ avg += a } // 4. Display average avg /= n println("average = " + avg) }
Test example
n = 5 => 1.2 => 1.4 => 1.6 => 1.7 => 1.1 average = 1.4
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