Properties of Number object
- 1. Overview of the properties of the Number object
- 2. Property Number.EPSILON. Precision calculations for floating point numbers
- 3. Properties Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. Boundaries of the correct representation of integers
- 4. Properties Number.MIN_VALUE and Number.MAX_VALUE. Minimum and maximum positive value
- 5. Property Number.NaN. Not a Number
- 6. Properties Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY and Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY. Negative infinity and positive infinity
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1. Overview of the properties of the Number object
The Number object has the following properties:
- EPSILON – value that determines the minimum possible accuracy of calculations;
- MAX_SAFE_INTEGER – maximum safe integer value;
- MAX_VALUE – maximum possible numerical value;
- MIN_SAFE_INTEGER – minimum safe integer value;
- MIN_VALUE – minimum possible value;
- NaN – Not a Number value;
- NEGATIVE_INFINITY – designation of negative infinity;
- POSITIVE_INFINITY – designation of positive infinity.
2. Property Number.EPSILON. Precision calculations for floating point numbers
The Number.EPSILON property represents a value that is the difference between 1 and the next floating point value greater than 1. In other words, Number.EPSILON is a value that provides precision calculations for floating point numbers.
// Property Number.EPSILON // 1. Display property value alert(Number.EPSILON) // 2.220446049250313e-16 // 2. Equality/inequality between two numbers var x = 0.5 var y = 1.2 - 0.8 + 0.1 if (Math.abs(x-y) < Number.EPSILON) alert("x == y"); // x == y else alert("x != y");
3. Properties Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. Boundaries of the correct representation of integers
The Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER properties define the boundaries of the correct representation of integers. As you know, all numeric values in JavaScript are 64-bit floating point values according to the IEEE-754 encoding standard. Accordingly, the encoding of integers in 64-bit floating point format for integers has its limitations or allowable limits. These boundaries are represented precisely by these constants.
// Properties Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER та NUMBER.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER // Display property values alert(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) // -9007199254740991 alert(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) // 9007199254740991
4. Properties Number.MIN_VALUE and Number.MAX_VALUE. Minimum and maximum positive value
The Number.MIN_VALUE and Number.MAX_VALUE properties represent the minimum and maximum positive value that can be represented in JavaScript.
The value of Number.MIN_VALUE is a positive floating point number that is the smallest in terms of its proximity to 0, limited to 64-bit encoding according to the ECMAScript specification. The Number.MIN_VALUE property has an approximate value of 2-1024.
The MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE properties are accessed as global static properties without creating a Number object.
The Number.MAX_VALUE property represents the maximum possible numeric value that can be obtained for the Number type. The value of Number.MAX_VALUE is approximately equal to 21024.
// Properties Number.MIN_VALUE and NUMBER.MAX_VALUE // Display property values alert(Number.MIN_VALUE) // 5e-324 alert(Number.MAX_VALUE) // 1.7976931348623157e+308
5. Property Number.NaN. Not a Number
The Number.NaN property is an object that is not a number (Not a Number).
The operation of the property is closely related to the isNaN() function, which returns true if the Number object is not a number.
// Properties Number.MIN_VALUE and NUMBER.MAX_VALUE var a = Number.NaN var res = Number.isNaN(a) // res = true a = 0/0 // a = NaN або Number.NaN
6. Properties Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY and Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY. Negative infinity and positive infinity
The static property Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY defines the negative value of infinity represented by the global property Infinity. According to this, the static property Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY is equal to the value of the global property Infinity.
The Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY and Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY properties behave differently from mathematical infinity.
For the NEGATIVE_INFINITY value, the following features can be distinguished:
- multiplying NEGATIVE_INFINITY with any positive value (including POSITIVE_INFINITY) results in NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
- the product of NEGATIVE_INFINITY and any negative value (including NEGATIVE_INFINITY) is equal to POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- if any positive value is divided by NEGATIVE_INFINITY, then the result will be negative zero;
- if any negative value is divided by NEGATIVE_INFINITY, then the result will be positive zero;
- zero multiplied by NEGATIVE_INFINITY gives NaN;
- NaN multiplied by NEGATIVE_INFINITY gives NaN;
- if NEGATIVE_INFINITY is divided by a negative value other than NEGATIVE_INFINITY, then the result will be POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- if NEGATIVE_INFINITY is divided by any positive value other than POSITIVE_INFINITY, then the result will be equal to NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
- if NEGATIVE_INFINITY is divided by NEGATIVE_INFINITY, then the result will be equal to NaN;
- if NEGATIVE_INFINITY is divided by POSITIVE_INFINITY, the result is NaN;
- for any number x that is not equal to NEGATIVE_INFINITY, the condition is fulfilled: x>NEGATIVE_INFINITY.
The POSITIVE_INFINITY value has the following properties:
- if you multiply any positive value (including POSITIVE_INFINITY) by POSITIVE_INFINITY, the result is POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- if you multiply any negative value (including NEGATIVE_INFINITY) by POSITIVE_INFINITY, the result is NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
- if you divide any positive value by POSITIVE_INFINITY, then the result will be positive zero;
- if you divide any negative number by POSITIVE_INFINITY, then the result will be negative zero;
- if you multiply zero by POSITIVE_INFINITY, the result will be NaN;
- if NaN is multiplied by POSITIVE_INFINITY, the result is NaN;
- if POSITIVE_INFINITY is divided by any negative value (except NEGATIVE_INFINITY), then the result will be equal to NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
- if POSITIVE_INFINITY is divided by any positive value other than POSITIVE_INFINITY, the result is POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- if POSITIVE_INFINITY is divided by NEGATIVE_INFINITY, then the result will be equal to NaN;
- if POSITIVE_INFINITY is divided by POSITIVE_INFINITY, then the result will be equal to NaN;
- for any number x other than POSITIVE_INFINITY, the statement is executed: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY > x.
// Properties Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY and NUMBER.POSITIVE_INFINITY // 1. Assign the Infinity property to variable a var a = Infinity // 2. Property Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY var b b = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY * Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY // Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY b = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY * 25 // b = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY b = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY * (-25) // b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY b = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY * Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY // Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY b = 25 / Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY // negative 0 b = -25 / Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY // positive 0 b = 0 * Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY // NaN b = NaN * Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY // NaN b = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY / (-25) // Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY b = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY / 25 // Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY b = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY / Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY // NaN b = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY / Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY // NaN a = 30 if (a>Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) alert("30 > Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY"); // + else alert("30 <= Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY"); // 3. Property Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY * 25 // b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY * Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY // POSITIVE_INFINITY b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY * (-25) // b = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY * Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY // Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY b = 25 / Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY // positive zero b = (-25) / Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY // negative zero b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY * 0 // NaN b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY * Number.NaN // NaN b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY / (-25) // Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY / 25 // Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY / Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY // NaN b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY / Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY // NaN a = 30 if (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY > a) alert("Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY > a"); // + else alert("Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY <= a");
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- Numeric data type Number. Conversion functions between numeric type and other types. Functions Number(), parseInt(), parseFloat()
- Functions that determine the current state of Number object. Functions isFinite(), isInteger(), isNaN(), isSafeInteger()
- Functions for representing the Number object in different notations. Functions toExponential(), toFixed(), toLocaleString(), toPrecision(), toString(), valueOf()