C++. Class map. Methods that change data in the container

Class map. Methods that change data in the container


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1. Method clear(). Clear associative array

The clear() method removes all the elements from the associative array. Method Declaration Syntax

void clear();


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

void main()
  // Method clear() - remove all elements from array
  // 1. Form an associative array
  map<string, int> Days;
  Days.insert(make_pair("January", 31));
  Days.insert(make_pair("February", 28));
  Days.insert(make_pair("March", 31));
  Days.insert(make_pair("April", 30));

  // 2. Display the size of array
  cout << Days.size() << endl;

  // 3. Clear array

  // 4. Redisplay the array size
  cout << Days.size() << endl;




2. Method erase(). Remove element from associative container

The erase() method removes an element or group of elements in a variety of ways. The method has several overloaded implementations.

2.1. Removing a single element by a given key

A common implementation of the erase() method is to remove an element based on a given key. The syntax for declaring this implementation is as follows

inline size_t erase(const keyType &keyVal);


  • keyType – type of key;
  • keyVal – value of key.


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

void main()
  // Method erase() - delete one element by key
  // 1. Form an associative array
  map<char, string> m1;
  m1.insert(make_pair('A', "Assembler"));
  m1.insert(make_pair('B', "Bash"));
  m1.insert(make_pair('C', "C++"));
  m1.insert(make_pair('D', "Dart"));
  m1.insert(make_pair('E', "Erlang"));
  m1.insert(make_pair('F', "Fortran"));

  // 2. Delete elements 'A' and 'D'

  // 3. Display the modified array
  map<char, string>::iterator it = m1.begin();
  cout << "m1: " << endl;
  while (it != m1.end())
    cout << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl;


B : Bash
C : C++
E : Erlang
F : Fortran


2.2. Removing a single element pointed to by an iterator

This implementation of the erase() method removes the single element pointed to by the iterator. The method declaration syntax is as follows

inline iterator erase(const_iterator Where);


  • Where – constant iterator pointing to the element to be removed.


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

void main()
  // The erase() method - remove one element based on key
  // 1. Form an associative array
  map<char, string> m1;
  m1.insert(make_pair('A', "Assembler"));
  m1.insert(make_pair('B', "Bash"));
  m1.insert(make_pair('C', "C++"));
  m1.insert(make_pair('D', "Dart"));
  m1.insert(make_pair('E', "Erlang"));
  m1.insert(make_pair('F', "Fortran"));

  // 2. Set iterator to pair 'F':"Fortran"
  map<char, string>::iterator it = m1.find('F');

  // 3. Delete pair

  // 4. Display the array
  cout << "m1:" << endl;
  it = m1.begin();
  while (it != m1.end())
    cout << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl;


A : Assembler
B : Bash
C : C++
D : Dart
E : Erlang


2.3. Removing multiple elements that are given by a range

Range is defined by start iterator and end iterator

inline iterator erase(const_iterator First, const_iterator Last);


  • iterator, const_iterator – type of iterator and const iterator for the current container;
  • First – element that defines the start of the deletion range;
  • Last – element defining the end of the deletion range. The Last value points to the element after the last element to be removed.


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

void main()
  // Method erase() - remove range of elements
  // 1. Form an associative array
  map<int, char> m1;
  m1.insert(make_pair(1, 'A'));
  m1.insert(make_pair(2, 'B'));
  m1.insert(make_pair(3, 'C'));
  m1.insert(make_pair(4, 'D'));
  m1.insert(make_pair(5, 'E'));

  // 2. Display the array
  cout << "m1: " << endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < m1.size(); i++)
    cout << i + 1 << " : " << m1[i + 1] << endl;

  // 3. Delete elements 2, 3 - letters 'B', 'C'
  // 3.1. Declare iterators
  map<int, char>::iterator itFirst;
  map<int, char>::iterator itLast;

  // 3.2. Set iterators to positions 2, 3
  itFirst = m1.find(2); // set to key 2
  itLast = m1.find(4); // set to key 4 that follows key 3

  // 3.3. Method erase() - delete range
  m1.erase(itFirst, itLast);

  // 4. Reuse an array with an iterator
  // 4.1. Declare an additional iterator
  map<int, char>::iterator it = m1.begin();

  // 4.2. Direct array output
  cout << "------------------" << endl;
  cout << "m1: " << endl;
  while (it != m1.end())
    cout << it->first << " : " << (*it).second << endl;


1 : A
2 : B
3 : C
4 : D
5 : E
1 : A
4 : D
5 : E


3. Method insert(). Add new pair to array

The insert() method adds a new pair to the associative container. The method has many overloaded implementations. Below are some of these implementations.

3.1. Insert elements based on std::initializer_list

With this implementation of the insert() method, an initialization list of type std::initializer_list is first created, then this list is passed as an argument to the insert() method. The method declaration looks like

inline void insert(initializer_list<pair<const kType, vType>> _llist);


  • kType – type of key;
  • vType – type of value.


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

void main()
  // Method insert() - insert element.
  // Form an associative array based on the initialization list
  // 1. Create initialization list
  initializer_list <pair<const int, string>> ls = {
    make_pair(1, "One"),
    make_pair(2, "Two"),
    make_pair(3, "Three")

  // 2. Create an associative container
  map<int, string> m1;

  // 3. Insert initialization list into array

  // 4. Вывести массив
  map<int, string>::iterator it = m1.begin(); // declare iterator
  cout << "m1" << endl;
  while (it != m1.end())
    cout << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl;


1 : One
2 : Two
3 : Three


3.2. Add a pair to a container

To add a key:value pair to a container, use the following implementation of the insert() method

inline iterator insert(pair<kType, vType> &_Val);


  • kType – type of key;
  • vType – type of value;
  • _Val – pair value.


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

void main()
  // Method insert() - insert a pair into a container
  // 1. Declare an empty container of strings
  map<string, long int> population;

  // 2. Insert a pair - methods insert() + make_pair()
  population.insert(make_pair("China", 1.402E9L));

  // 3. Insert a pair - use an object of type pair
  pair<string, long int> p("India", 1.38E9L);

  // 4. Insert a pair - use the constructor of the pair type
  population.insert(pair<string, long int>("USA", 328E6L));
  population.insert(pair<string, long int>("Ukraine", 52E6L));

  // 5. Display the newly created container
  map<string, long int>::iterator it = population.begin();
  cout << "population:" << endl;
  while (it != population.end())
    cout << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl;


China : 1402000000
India : 1380000000
USA : 328000000
Ukraine : 52000000


3.3. Inserting a range

This implementation of the insert() method allows you to insert an entire range of key:value pairs from a previously formed associative array. The range is specified by two iterators. The first iterator specifies the beginning of the range. The second iterator points to the element after the last element in the range to be inserted.

Syntax of method declaration

inline void insert(_Iter First, _Iter Last);


  • _Iter – type of iterator;
  • First, Last – iterators that specify a range of elements.


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

void main()
  // Method insert() - insert a range of elements
  // 1. Declare associative container
  map<int, double> m1;

  // 2. Form the container
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    m1.insert(make_pair(i, i * 1.1));

  // 3. Declare another associative container
  map<int, double> m2;

  // 4. Form m2 based on m1,
  // add elements that are placed in the range [2; four]
  // 4.1. Declare iterators and set them to appropriate positions
  map<int, double>::iterator itFirst = m1.find(2);
  map<int, double>::iterator itLast = m1.find(5);

  // 4.2. Form m2
  m2.insert(itFirst, itLast);

  // 5. Display m2
  map<int, double>::iterator it = m2.begin();
  cout << "m2:" << endl;
  while (it != m2.end())
    cout << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl;


2 : 2.2
3 : 3.3
4 : 4.4


4. Method swap(). Swap the contents of two containers

Using the swap() method, you can swap the contents of two containers. Syntax of method declaration

inline void swap(map<kType, vType> &_Right);


  • kType – type of key;
  • vType – type of value;
  • _Right – an object of the map class whose elements are exchanged with the elements of the caller.

The kType key type and vType value type must match the key and value types of the object that calls the swap() method.


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

void main()
  // Method swap() - swap contents of containers
  // 1. Create two containers and fill them with values
  // 1.1. Container m1
  map<int, double> m1;
  m1.insert(make_pair(1, 1.1));
  m1.insert(make_pair(5, 5.5));
  m1.insert(make_pair(9, 9.9));

  // 1.2. Container m2
  map<int, double> m2;
  m2.insert(make_pair(2, 2.2));
  m2.insert(make_pair(4, 4.4));

  // 2. Swap containers - swap() method

  // 3. Display container m1
  cout << "m1:" << endl;
  map<int, double>::iterator it = m1.begin();
  while (it != m1.end())
    cout << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl;

  // 4. Display container m2
  cout << "m2:" << endl;
  it = m2.begin();
  while (it != m2.end())
    cout << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl;


2 : 2.2
4 : 4.4
1 : 1.1
5 : 5.5
9 : 9.9


5. Operator function operator=(). Assign one container to another

The operator function operator=() implements the usual operation of assigning one container to another. Function declaration syntax

inline map<kType, vType> operator=(const map<kType, vType> &_Right);


  • kType – type of key;
  • vType – type of value;
  • _Right – the object placed to the right of the assignment operation (original container). When copying containers, a full copy of the _Right container is created. This means that after the assignment operator = is executed, both containers are located in different memory locations.


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

void main()
  // Operator function operator=() - assign the contents of a container to another
  // 1. Create a container and fill it with values
  map<int, char> m1;
  m1.insert(make_pair(1, 'A'));
  m1.insert(make_pair(2, 'B'));
  m1.insert(make_pair(3, 'C'));

  // 2. Create another empty container
  map<int, char> m2;

  // 3. Print the size of another container
  cout << "m2.size = " << m2.size() << endl;

  // 3. Perform container assignment
  m2 = m1; // invoke the function operator=()

  // 4. Display another container
  map<int, char>::iterator it = m2.begin();
  cout << "m2 => ";
  while (it != m2.end())
    cout << "(" << it->first << ":" << it->second << ") ";
  cout << endl;

  // 5. Append an element to another container and re-render it
  m2.insert(make_pair(4, 'D'));
  it = m2.begin();
  cout << "---------------------" << endl;
  cout << "m2 => ";
  while (it != m2.end())
    cout << "(" << (*it).first << ":" << (*it).second << ") ";
  cout << endl;

  // 6. Display the first container
  cout << "m1 => ";
  it = m1.begin();
  while (it != m1.end())
    cout << "(" << it->first << ":" << it->second << ") ";


m2.size = 0
m2 => (1:A) (2:B) (3:C)
m2 => (1:A) (2:B) (3:C) (4:D)
m1 => (1:A) (2:B) (3:C)

As you can see from the result, a full copy of the m2 container was created in a different memory area.


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