Tasks solving using one-dimensional arrays. Examples
This topic provides examples of task solving on one-dimensional arrays in JavaScript. The topic reveals the basic operations of creating array, allocating memory for array, processing array, and displaying array.
- 1. Entering and processing the entered numbers from the keyboard. Array formation. Carrying out calculations
- 2. Array reversing
- 3. Array compression. Removing negative elements from the array
- 4. Splitting an array into 2 parts
- 5. Concatenation of two arrays
- 6. Sorting an array of strings using the insertion method
- Related topics
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1. Entering and processing the entered numbers from the keyboard. Array formation. Carrying out calculations
Task. Numbers are entered from the keyboard. End of input – number 0. Form a one-dimensional array of input numbers. Calculate the sum and arithmetic mean of the array elements.
A do-while loop is best for entering and manipulating numbers.
// One dimensional arrays. Tasks solving. // Task. Numbers are entered from the keyboard. // Form the array of entered numbers. // Calculate the sum and arithmetic mean of the array elements. // 1. Declaring an empty array var A = [] // 2. Entering numbers in a loop and forming the array var num do { num = prompt("num = ") if (num!=0) A += parseFloat(num) // add number to array } while (num!=0); // 3. Output the input array A document.write("A:<br>") for (var i=0; i<A.length; i++) document.write(A[i]+" ") document.write("<br><br>") // 4. Calculate the sum of the array elements var sum = 0 for (var i=0; i<A.length; i++) sum += parseFloat(A[i]) // 5. Calculate the arithmetic mean of the array elements var avg = sum / A.length // 6. Print the sum and the arithmetic mean document.write("sum = " + sum + "<br>") document.write("avg = " + avg + "<br>")
A: 8 5 6 4 1 sum = 24 avg = 4.8
2. Array reversing
Task. Given a one-dimensional array of integers with dimension n elements. The array is entered from the keyboard. Form a new array in which the elements are placed in reverse order.
// One dimensional arrays. Task solving. // Task. // Form a reversed array. // 1. Arrays declaration var A1 = [] // source array var A2 = [] // resulting array // 2. Set the number of elements in array A1 A1.length = prompt("n = ") // 3. Enter the elements of array A1 in a loop for (var i=0; i<A1.length; i++) A1[i] = prompt("A1[" + i + "] = ") // 4. Print n and array A1 document.write("n = " + A1.length + "<br>") document.write("A1:<br>") for (var i=0; i<A1.length; i++) document.write(A1[i]+" ") document.write("<br>") // 4. Form a reversed array A2 for (var i=A1.length-1; i>=0; i--) A2[A1.length-i-1] = A1[i]; // 5. Form array A2 document.write("A2:<br>") for (var i=0; i<A2.length; i++) document.write(A2[i] + " ") document.write("<br>")
n = 5 A1: 3 4 1 8 7 A2: 7 8 1 4 3
3. Array compression. Removing negative elements from the array
Task. An array of n elements is specified. The array is entered from the keyboard. Implement array compression by extracting all negative elements from it.
Решение. One possible solution to this problem is to create a new array containing no negative elements.
// One dimensional arrays. Task solution. // Task. An array of dimension n is given. // Compress the array by removing all negative elements from it. // 1. Declaring arrays. var A1 = [] // source array var A2 = [] // resulting array // 2. Set the number of elements in array A1 A1.length = prompt("n = ") // 3. Enter the elements of array A1 in a loop for (var i=0; i<A1.length; i++) A1[i] = prompt("A1[" + i + "] = ") // 4. Output n and the original array A1 document.write("n = " + A1.length + "<br>") document.write("A1:<br>") for (var i=0; i<A1.length; i++) document.write(A1[i]+" ") document.write("<br>") // 4. Form compressed array A2 var j = 0 // the current number of elements in the array A2 for (var i=0; i<A1.length; i++) if (A1[i]<0) A2[j++] = A1[i] // 5. Display the A2 array document.write("A2:<br>") for (var i=0; i<A2.length; i++) document.write(A2[i] + " ") document.write("<br>")
n = 8 A1: 1 -2 3 -4 5 -6 7 -8 A2: -2 -4 -6 -8
4. Splitting an array into 2 parts
Task. Given a one-dimensional array of length n. Divide it into two parts so that one part has positive elements and the other part has negative elements.
// One-dimensional arrays. Tasks solving. // Splitting an array into parts. // 1. Arrays declaration var A = [] // source array var B = [], C = new Array() // resulting arrays // 2. Specify the number of elements in array A A.length = prompt("n = ") // 3. Enter the elements of array A in a loop for (var i=0; i<A.length; i++) A[i] = prompt("A[" + i + "] = ") // 4. Print n and source array A1 document.write("n = " + A.length + "<br>") document.write("A:<br>") for (var i=0; i<A.length; i++) document.write(A[i]+" ") document.write("<br>") // 4. Form arrays B, C, // array B - positive elements, array C - negative elements. var nb = 0 // the current number of elements in array B var nc = 0 // the current number of elements in array C for (var i=0; i<A.length; i++) if (A[i]>=0) B[nb++] = A[i]; else C[nc++] = A[i]; // 5. Display the array B document.write("B:<br>") for (var i=0; i<B.length; i++) document.write(B[i] + " ") document.write("<br>") // 6. Display the array C document.write("C:<br>") for (var i=0; i<C.length; i++) document.write(C[i] + " ") document.write("<br>")
n = 9 A: -1 2 -3 4 -5 6 -7 8 -9 B: 2 4 6 8 C: -1 -3 -5 -7 -9
5. Concatenation of two arrays
Task. Two one-dimensional arrays A1 and A2 are given, the elements of which are random integers in the interval [-10; +10]. Merge these two arrays into a third array, which will first contain the elements of the first array, and then the second, preserving their original sequence.
// One dimensional arrays. Tasks solving. // Union of arrays B = A1 + A2 // 1. Declaring arrays and initializing them with random values var A1 = new Array(), A2 = new Array() // source arrays var B = [] // resulting array // 2. Set the number of elements in the A1 array A1.length = prompt("A1.length = ") // 3. Set the number of elements in the A2 array A2.length = prompt("A2.length = ") // 4. Fill arrays A1, A2 with random numbers in the interval [-10; ten] for (var i=0; i<A1.length; i++) A1[i] = parseInt(-10 + Math.random()*(10-(-10)+1)) for (var i=0; i<A2.length; i++) A2[i] = parseInt(-10 + Math.random()*(10-(-10)+1)) // 5. Display array A1 document.write("A1:<br>") for (var i=0; i<A1.length; i++) document.write(A1[i] + "\t") document.write("<br><br>") // 6. Display array A1 document.write("A2:<br>") for (var i=0; i<A2.length; i++) document.write(A2[i] + "\t") document.write("<br><br>") // 7. Form the resulting array B // Form the length of array B B.length = A1.length + A2.length // Write the elements of array A1 for (var i=0; i<A1.length; i++) B[i] = A1[i] // Write the elements of array A2 for (var i=0; i<A2.length; i++) B[A1.length + i] = parseInt(A2[i]) // 8. Display the array B document.write("B:<br>") for (var i=0; i<B.length; i++) document.write(B[i] + " ") document.write("<br>")
For the given n1 = 9, n2 = 7, the program produced the following result
A1: 0 -9 3 4 -6 6 1 -9 5 A2: -3 -6 10 -3 -1 6 6 B: 0 -9 3 4 -6 6 1 -9 5 -3 -6 10 -3 -1 6 6
6. Sorting an array of strings using the insertion method
Task. An array of strings of dimension n is given. Sort the elements of the array in ascending order (“a”, “b”, “cd”,…).
// One-dimensional arrays. Tasks solving. // Sorting an array of strings using the insertion method. // 1. Declaring the array of strings var A = new Array() // 2. Display the size of array var n = prompt("n = ") // 3. Allocate memory for the string array A.length = n // 4. The cycle of forming an array of strings for (var i=0; i<n; i++) { A[i] = prompt("A[" + i + "] = ") } // 5. Display the array A document.write("A:<br>") for (var i=0; i<A.length; i++) document.write(A[i] + "<br>") document.write("<br><br>") // 6. Insertion sort loop for (var i=0; i<A.length-1; i++) for (var j=i; j>=0; j--) if (A[j]>A[j+1]) { // swap places var t = A[j] A[j] = A[j+1] A[j+1] = t } // 7. Output sorted array A document.write("-----------------------------<br>") for (var i=0; i<A.length; i++) document.write(A[i]+"<br>") document.write("<br>")
A: kd fcw aet tqw ew abcd wer oiww xlsdk ----------------------------- abcd aet fcw kd oiww tqw ew wer xlsdk
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