Conditional compilation. Directives #if, #else, #elif, #endif, #ifdef, #ifndef. The defined operator
- 1. Directives #if, #else, #elif, #endif. Conditional compilation
- 2. Directives #ifdef, #ifndef. Conditional compilation
- 3. The defined operator. Determines whether a macro exists in the program
- Related topics
1. Directives #if, #else, #elif, #endif. Conditional compilation
1.1. Combination of #if – #endif directives
Using the directives #if, #else, #elif, #endif, you can specify parts of the program that need to be compiled depending on the value of the constant expression.
The general form of the #if directive is as follows
#if consant_expression operators_sequence #endif
- constant_expression – constant expression returning true or false;
- operators_sequence – sequence of operators executed if constant expression=true.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // Solution number #define N_SOLUTION 2 // Number Pi #define Pi 3.1415926535 // If the solution is 1, then calculate the circumference #if N_SOLUTION == 1 #define RESULT(radius) 2*Pi*radius #endif // If the solution is 2, then calculate the area of the circle #if N_SOLUTION == 2 #define RESULT(radius) Pi*radius*radius #endif void main() { // 1. Radius double r; // 2. Enter the radius of the circle cout << "r = "; cin >> r; // 3. Calculate the area of a circle double area = RESULT(r); cout << "area = " << area << endl; }
Program result
r = 3 area = 28.2743
1.2. Combination of directives #if – #else – #endif
The directives #if – #else – #endif allow you to compile one of two parts of the program depending on the value of the conditional expression. The general form of using this directive is as follows:
#if consant_expression operators_sequence_1 #else operators_sequence_2 #endif
- constant_expression – expression that returns a value of a boolean type (true or false);
- operators_sequence_1 – sequence of operators to be executed if constant_expression=true;
- operators_sequence_2 – operator sequence to be executed if constant_expression=false.
In the example, depending on the value of N_SOLUTION, the necessary code fragment is compiled that determines the circumference or area of the circle.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // Solution number #define N_SOLUTION 1 // Number Пі #define Pi 3.1415926535 // If the solution is 1, then a fragment is compiled that calculates the circumference, // otherwise, a fragment is compiled that calculates the area of a circle. #if N_SOLUTION == 1 #define RESULT(radius) 2*Pi*radius #else #define RESULT(radius) Pi*radius*radius #endif void main() { // 1. Radius double r; // 2. Enter the radius of the circle cout << "r = "; cin >> r; // 3. Calculation double result = RESULT(r); cout << "result = " << result << endl; }
r = 3 result = 18.8496
1.3. Combination of directives #if – #elif – #endif. Chain if-else-if
The combination of #if-#elif-#endif directives forms the so-called if-else-if chain or the stepped (cascading) form of the #if directive. The #elif directive stands for else-if. With this form of directives, you can check many conditions. The general form of the #if-#elif-#endif directive is as follows
#if expression_1 operators_sequence_1 #elif expression_2 operators_sequence_2 ... #elif expression_N operators_sequence_N #endif
- expression_1, expression_2, expression_N – some expression that can be true or not true (false);
- operators_sequence_1, operators_sequence_2, operators_sequence_N – sequence of operators to be compiled in the corresponding code block.
In the example, depending on the value of N_SOLUTION, the corresponding formula is calculated
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // Solution number #define N_SOLUTION 3 // Число Пі #define Pi 3.1415926535 // The fragment that corresponds to the solution number is compiled. #if N_SOLUTION == 1 #define RESULT(radius) 2*Pi*radius // circumference #elif N_SOLUTION == 2 #define RESULT(radius) Pi*radius*radius // the area of a circle #elif N_SOLUTION == 3 #define RESULT(radius) 4.0/3*Pi*radius*radius*radius // the volume of a sphere #endif void main() { // 1. Radius double r; // 2. Input radius cout << "r = "; cin >> r; // 3. Calculation double result = RESULT(r); cout << "result = " << result << endl; }
r = 3 result = 113.097
2. Directives #ifdef, #ifndef. Conditional compilation
The #ifdef and #ifndef directives provide another kind of conditional compilation. Literally, the meaning of directives can be defined as follows: “if defined”, “if not defined”.
The general form of #ifdef directives:
#ifdef macros_name operators_sequence #endif
- macros_name is the name of the macro, which is checked to see if it is defined by the #define statement. If a macro name is defined, the operators_sequence is executed;
- operators_sequence – some sequence.
The general form of the #ifndef directive:
#ifndef macros_name operators_sequence #endif
- macros_name – macro name, which may or may not be defined. If the macro name is defined with the #define directive, then the operator_sequence is not executed;
- operators_sequence – sequence of operators.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #define Is_Calc_Length // Is it necessary to define the Length macro? // If you want to define a macro that calculates the distance // between two points, then define it #ifdef Is_Calc_Length #define Length(x1, y1, x2, y2) sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)) #endif // If you do not need to define the macro Length, then return 0 #ifndef Is_Calc_Length #define Length(x1, y1, x2, y2) 0 #endif void main() { double x1, y1, x2, y2; cout << "x1 = "; cin >> x1; cout << "y1 = "; cin >> y1; cout << "x2 = "; cin >> x2; cout << "y2 = "; cin >> y2; double len = Length(x1, y1, x2, y2); cout << "len = " << len << endl; }
x1 = 1 y1 = 2 x2 = 3 y2 = 5 len = 3.60555
3. The defined operator. Determines whether a macro exists in the program
The defined statement is used in conjunction with the #if directive. The combination of these two elements replaces the #ifdef directive. The general form of using the defined operator is
defined macros_name
- macros_name – macro name, which is checked for presence.
The example demonstrates an original way of solving a quadratic equation based on predefined formulas.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // The defined operator. // Formulas for calculating a quadratic equation. #define D(a, b, c) (b*b - 4*a*c) #define X1(a, b, c) ((-b - sqrt(D(a,b,c))) / (2*a)) #define X2(a, b, c) ((-b + sqrt(D(a,b,c))) / (2*a)) void main() { // Calculation of quadratic equation. // Checking if there are formulas for calculating a quadratic equation. #if defined D #if defined X1 #if defined X2 // 1. Declaring variables double a, b, c; // 2. Input coefficients cout << "a = "; cin >> a; cout << "b = "; cin >> b; cout << "c = "; cin >> c; // 3. Check if the equation exists if (a == 0) { cout << "Incorrect value of a (a==0)." << endl; return; } // 4. If the discriminant is greater than or equal to 0, then calculate if (D(a, b, c) >= 0) { cout << "x1 = " << X1(a, b, c) << endl; cout << "x2 = " << X2(a, b, c) << endl; } else cout << "The equation has no roots." << endl; #endif #endif #endif }
a = -3 b = -4 c = 5 x1 = 0.7863 x2 = -2.11963
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- Preprocessor. General information. Preprocessor directives. Review. Directives #define, #error, #include, #undef, #import, #using, #pragma, #line
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