C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. Class exception May 22, 2022 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. Class exception →
Java, Theory Java. Throwing exceptions in lambda expressions. Examples December 16, 2020 BestProgISch Continue reading Java. Throwing exceptions in lambda expressions. Examples →
Java, Theory Java. Class Exception. Create custom exception classes. Examples October 1, 2019 BestProgISch Continue reading Java. Class Exception. Create custom exception classes. Examples →
Java, Theory Java. Сlasses for handling exceptions from the java.lang package. Methods of Throwable class. Examples October 1, 2019 BestProgISch Continue reading Java. Сlasses for handling exceptions from the java.lang package. Methods of Throwable class. Examples →
C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. An example of creating a class hierarchy for exception handling September 16, 2019 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. An example of creating a class hierarchy for exception handling →
C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. The concept of an exceptional situation. Instruction try…catch. Operator throw. Examples of using September 14, 2019 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. The concept of an exceptional situation. Instruction try…catch. Operator throw. Examples of using →
C++, Practice C++. Developing a class demonstrating the implementation of an overflow exception August 20, 2019 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. Developing a class demonstrating the implementation of an overflow exception →
Java, Theory Java. Exceptions. Keywords try, catch, finally. Examples July 9, 2019 BestProgISch Continue reading Java. Exceptions. Keywords try, catch, finally. Examples →
C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. Operators new and delete[]. Memory allocation for structural variables, objects, classes, arrays. Initialization of allocated memory. Example of reallocation of previously allocated memory September 26, 2018 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. Operators new and delete[]. Memory allocation for structural variables, objects, classes, arrays. Initialization of allocated memory. Example of reallocation of previously allocated memory →
C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. Dynamic and static allocation of memory. Advantages and disadvantages. Allocating memory for single variables by the operators new and delete. Possible critical situations when allocating memory. Initialization when allocating memory September 25, 2018 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. Dynamic and static allocation of memory. Advantages and disadvantages. Allocating memory for single variables by the operators new and delete. Possible critical situations when allocating memory. Initialization when allocating memory →