String formatting operations. String formatting expressions. Binary operator %
- 1. String formatting operations. The purpose
- 2. String formatting expressions. Rules of creation. Binary operator %
- 3. Examples of formatting integer values
- 4. An example that demonstrates formatting floating point numbers
- 5. An example that demonstrates formatting strings and single characters
- Related topics
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1. String formatting operations. The purpose
String formatting operations allow you to substitute values of different types into strings in one step in the desired (formatted) form. Thus, the string has a convenient presentation.
For example, one useful use of string formatting operations is to output floating point values in fixed precision (a specified number of decimal places).
String formatting operations can be performed in one of two ways:
- using string formatting expressions. These expressions are based on the model of the printf() function of C language;
- using the format() method.
2. String formatting expressions. Rules of creation. Binary operator %
String formatting expressions use the printf() function model of C language. To create a string formatting expression, use the binary % operator.
In the most general case, a string formatting expression is:
format_string % (list_of_objects)
- format_string – formatting string;
- list_of_objects – objects list.
The format_string may contain:
- string characters that are not interpreted as format specifiers. Such characters are represented as they are;
- special characters or format specifiers preceded by a % character. In other words, if a% character is encountered in a formatted string, then one or more characters following it are treated as format specifiers. For example: “%s”, “%.2f”.
The syntax for using the format specifier is as follows:
- name – a key in the dictionary. This is the case when strings are formatted from a dictionary;
- flags – list of flags. Using flags, you can set, for example, alignment, the presence of leading zeros (0), and the like;
- width – the total width of the field to represent the string;
- .precision – number of digits after the decimal point;
- code – format specifier character (see table below). It defines how to represent data from list_of_objects.
The format specifier character can take the following values:
- s – output the string. This uses the str(x) function, where x is an object from list_of_objects. You can read more about the str() function here;
- r – same as s, but using the repr(x) function. The repr() function is described in detail here;
- c – single character;
- d – decimal integer;
- i – an integer;
- u – the same as d;
- o – octal integer;
- x – hexadecimal integer;
- X – same as x, but hexadecimal digits are returned in uppercase;
- e – real number in exponential form;
- E – the same as e. In this case, alphabetic characters are returned in uppercase;
- f, F – real number in decimal notation;
- g, G – real number e, E or f;
- % – symbol %.
For example, to display a real number with precision 3 decimal places, you need to specify the following format specifier
- .3 – indication that 3 decimal places are displayed;
- f – indicates that a real number is displayed in decimal notation.
3. Examples of formatting integer values
Below is an example that demonstrates the use of string formatting expressions that display integers.
# String formatting expressions # Formatting integer values # 1. Integer specified num = 234 # 2. Get different kinds of formatted strings # 2.1. Present the number 234 as is s1 = 'num=%d' % (num) # 234 print(s1) # 2.2. Represent a number with an output width of 10 characters s2 = 'num=%10d' % (num) # num= 234 print(s2) # 2.3. Represent the number 234 in the 16th numeral system s3 = 'num=%x' % (num) # num=ea print(s3) s4 = 'num=%X' % (num) # num=EA print(s4) # 2.4. Represent the number 234 in the 8th number system s5 = 'num=%o' % (num) # num=352 print(s5) # 3. Represent 2 numbers with a specified output width a = -1702 b = 8833 s6 = '(a,b)=>%10d - %10d' % (a, b) # (a,b)=> -1702 - 8833 print(s6)
Program result
num=234 num= 234 num=ea num=EA num=352 (a,b)=> -1702 - 8833
4. An example that demonstrates formatting floating point numbers
# String formatting expressions # Formatting floating point values # 1. Floating point number specified num = 234.7298027 # 2. Get different kinds of formatted strings # 2.1. Represent number num as integer s1 = 'num=%i' % (num) # num=234 print(s1) # 2.2. Represent a number with precision 2 decimal places s2 = 'num=%.2f' % (num) # num=234.73 print(s2) s2 = 'num=%0.2F' % (num) # num=234.73 print(s2) # 2.3. Represent a number with 4 decimal places precision and 12 digits output width s3 = 'num=%12.4f' % (num) # num= 234.7298 print(s3) # 2.4. Represent a number in exponential notation s4 = 'num=%e' % (num) # num=2.347298e+02 print(s4) s5 = 'num=%E' % (num) # num=2.347298E+02 print(s5) # 2.5. Represent a number in exponential form with 3 decimal places precision # and 15 digits output width s6 = 'num=%15.3e' % (num) # num= 2.347e+02 print(s6) # 2.6. Present a number in the format e or f s7 = 'num=%g' % (num) # num=234.73 print(s7) num2 = 1.234567E-03 s8 = 'num2=%G' % (num2) # num2=0.00123457 print(s8)
Program result
num=234 num=234.73 num=234.73 num= 234.7298 num=2.347298e+02 num=2.347298E+02 num= 2.347e+02 num=234.73 num2=0.00123457
5. An example that demonstrates formatting strings and single characters
The example demonstrates the use of format specifiers r, s, c in the formation of string formatting expressions.
# String formatting expressions # Strings formatting # 1. Format specifier s - uses the str() function # 1.1. Convert integer d to string s1 = 'str1=%s' % (235) # 'str1=235' print(s1) s2 = 'str2=%12s' % (1885) # 'str2= 1885' print(s2) s3 = '%-10s.' % (234) # '234 .' print(s3) # 1.2. Convert real number to string s4 = 'str4=%s' % (-82.78234) # 'str4=-82.78234' print(s4) s5 = 'str5=%10s' % (-12.345) # 'str5= -12.345' print(s5) # 2. Format specifier r - uses the repr() function s6 = 'str6=%r' % (777) # 'str6=777' print(s6) s7 = 'str7=%10r' % (1.23) # 'str7= 1.23' print(s7) s8 = 'str8=%r' % ('Hello!') # "str8='Hello!'" print(s8) # 3. Converting single characters - format specifier c symbol = '+' s9 = 'str9=%c' % (symbol) # 'str9=+' print(s9) # 4. Forming a string based on multiple specifiers s10 = '%s%c%s' % ('bestprog', '.', 'net') # '' print(s10) s11 = '%-10s%s' % ('Hello', 'world!') # 'Hello world!' print(s11)
Program result
str1=235 str2= 1885 234 . str4=-82.78234 str5= -12.345 str6=777 str7= 1.23 str8='Hello!' str9=+ Hello world!
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