C#, MS Visual Studio 2019, Practice C#. Windows Forms. Practice. An example of creating a pentagonal form April 2, 2020 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. Windows Forms. Practice. An example of creating a pentagonal form →
C#, Databases, MS Visual Studio 2010, Practice, Term Papers C#. Windows Forms. Databases. Course work. Development of a program for accounting of material assets. The Microsoft Access database. Windows Forms application June 1, 2018 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. Windows Forms. Databases. Course work. Development of a program for accounting of material assets. The Microsoft Access database. Windows Forms application →
C#, MS Visual Studio 2010, Practice C#. WPF. An example of creating a new application that supports the WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) platform. Creating a hello application “Hello world!”. Overview of the main project files December 7, 2017 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. WPF. An example of creating a new application that supports the WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) platform. Creating a hello application “Hello world!”. Overview of the main project files →
C#, MS Visual Studio 2010, Practice C#. Windows Forms. The implementation of the concepts of “inheritance” and “polymorphism” in the object-oriented programming through the creation of two classes. The interfaces ICloneable and IEquatable. November 22, 2016 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. Windows Forms. The implementation of the concepts of “inheritance” and “polymorphism” in the object-oriented programming through the creation of two classes. The interfaces ICloneable and IEquatable. →
C#, MS Visual Studio 2010, Practice C#. Windows Forms. Controlling the displaying of the current time in the program. Example of demonstration of Timer component November 4, 2016 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. Windows Forms. Controlling the displaying of the current time in the program. Example of demonstration of Timer component →
C#, MS Visual Studio 2010, Practice C#. Windows Forms. Example the development of application, that demonstrates work with lists and associative arrays. Classes Dictionary, List, StreamReader October 31, 2016 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. Windows Forms. Example the development of application, that demonstrates work with lists and associative arrays. Classes Dictionary, List, StreamReader →
C++, MS Visual Studio 2010, Practice C++. An example of developing the simply application of “Windows Forms” type in C++ language by using MS Visual Studio July 31, 2016 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. An example of developing the simply application of “Windows Forms” type in C++ language by using MS Visual Studio →
C#, Computer graphics, Mathematical software, MS Visual Studio 2010, Practice C#. Windows Forms. Developing the application of program of drawing the graph of the two variables function June 22, 2016 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. Windows Forms. Developing the application of program of drawing the graph of the two variables function →
C#, Databases, MS Visual Studio 2010, Practice, Term Papers C#. Windows Forms. Term paper. Development of Automation Program of work of Manager March 23, 2016 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. Windows Forms. Term paper. Development of Automation Program of work of Manager →
C#, MS Visual Studio 2010, Practice C#. Windows Forms. Example of event programming of button click January 8, 2016 BestProgISch Continue reading C#. Windows Forms. Example of event programming of button click →