C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. Smart pointers. Pointer classes unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr April 10, 2022 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. Smart pointers. Pointer classes unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr →
C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. Smart pointers. Automatic pointer. Class auto_ptr April 7, 2022 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. Smart pointers. Automatic pointer. Class auto_ptr →
C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. Inheritance. Order of calling constructors during inheritance March 16, 2022 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. Inheritance. Order of calling constructors during inheritance →
C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. Development of a class that implements a smart pointer February 7, 2022 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. Development of a class that implements a smart pointer →
Pascal/Delphi, Theory Pascal. Pointer types Pointer and ^. Text type November 19, 2021 BestProgISch Continue reading Pascal. Pointer types Pointer and ^. Text type →
C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. References. Basic consepts. References to variables, structures, unions and class objects. Differences between references and pointers. Examples July 25, 2018 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. References. Basic consepts. References to variables, structures, unions and class objects. Differences between references and pointers. Examples →
C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. Classes and arrays. A pointer to a static member of the class data. Arrays of static data members. Arrays of pointers to static data members that are declared in classes. Examples July 17, 2018 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. Classes and arrays. A pointer to a static member of the class data. Arrays of static data members. Arrays of pointers to static data members that are declared in classes. Examples →
C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. Classes and arrays. Arrays of pointers to the class members methods. Examples July 15, 2018 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. Classes and arrays. Arrays of pointers to the class members methods. Examples →
C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. Arrays of objects in classes. Examples. Arrays of objects in managed and unmanaged classes. An array of unmanaged (*) pointers to a class object July 9, 2018 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. Arrays of objects in classes. Examples. Arrays of objects in managed and unmanaged classes. An array of unmanaged (*) pointers to a class object →
C++, Theory, Visual C++ C++. Class functions that are declared with a constant (const) ‘this’ pointer and a volatile ‘this’ pointer May 6, 2018 BestProgISch Continue reading C++. Class functions that are declared with a constant (const) ‘this’ pointer and a volatile ‘this’ pointer →