Arrays of objects in classes. Examples. Arrays of objects in managed and unmanaged classes. An array of unmanaged (*) pointers to a class object
- 1. An example of using an array of objects in an unmanaged class
- 2. An example of using an array of objects in a managed class
- 3. An example of using an array of unmanaged pointers to a class object
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1. An example of using an array of objects in an unmanaged class
A CMyPoint class is given that implements the point on the coordinate plane. A class called CPolygon that implements the polyline is also defined. The CPolygon class declares an array of 10 objects of the CMyPoint type.
Implementation of class CMyPoint is as follows:
// class describes a point on the coordinate plane class CMyPoint { int x, y; public: // class constructor CMyPoint(void) { x = y = 0; } // access methods int GetX(void) { return x; } int GetY(void) { return y; } void SetXY(int nx, int ny) { x = nx; y = ny; } };
Implementation the CPolygon class
// class that describes a polygon class CPolygon { int n; // number of points CMyPoint cp[10]; // array of points public: // class constructor CPolygon(void) { n = 0; } // access methods CMyPoint GetPoint(int index) { return cp[index]; } // sets a new value of a given point void SetPoint(int index, CMyPoint & pt) { if (index>=n) return; cp[index] = pt; } // adds a point to a polyline void AddPoint(CMyPoint pt) { if (n<10) n++; else return; cp[n-1] = pt; } // determines the length of the polygon double Length(void) { double len, t; int x1, y1, x2, y2; len = 0; for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++) { x1 = cp[i].GetX(); y1 = cp[i].GetY(); x2 = cp[i+1].GetX(); y2 = cp[i+1].GetY(); t = System::Math::Sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); len += t; } return len; } };
The use of the CPolygon and CMyPoint classes in some method
// using the CPolygon class CPolygon p1; CMyPoint pt1; // form a polygonal line with coordinates (1; 2), (3; 4), (5;6) pt1.SetXY(1, 2); p1.AddPoint(pt1); pt1.SetXY(3, 4); p1.AddPoint(pt1); pt1.SetXY(5, 6); p1.AddPoint(pt1); // test int x, y; CMyPoint pt2; pt2 = p1.GetPoint(0); x = pt2.GetX(); // x = 1 y = pt2.GetY(); // y = 2 pt2 = p1.GetPoint(1); x = pt2.GetX(); // x = 3 y = pt2.GetY(); // y = 4 // length of polygon double d = p1.Length(); // d = 5.6568...
2. An example of using an array of objects in a managed class
Implementing the CMyPoint class
// class that describes a point on the coordinate plane ref class CMyPoint { int x, y; public: // class constructor CMyPoint(void) { x = y = 0; } // access methods int GetX() { return x; } int GetY() { return y; } void SetXY(int nx, int ny) { x = nx; y = ny; } };
Implementation of CPolygon class
// class that describes a polygon ref class CPolygon { int n; // number of points in the polygon array <CMyPoint ^> ^mp; // array of points CMyPoint public: // constructor without parameters CPolygon(void); // constructor with 2 parameters, which gets an array of points CMyPoint CPolygon::CPolygon(int n, array <CMyPoint^> ^mp2); // access methods CMyPoint^ GetPoint(int index); // returns a point void AddPoint(int nx, int ny); // adds a point to a polygone double Length(void); // determines the length of the polygone }; // class constructor CPolygon::CPolygon(void) { n = 0; // allocate memory - only 1 time // for an array as a whole mp = gcnew array <CMyPoint^>(10); // для каждого элемента массива for (int i=0; i<10; i++) mp[i] = gcnew CMyPoint; } // constructor with 2 parameters - initialized with an array of values CPolygon::CPolygon(int n, array <CMyPoint^> ^mp2) { if (n>10) return; this->n = n; // assign an array mp = mp2 for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { mp[i] = mp2[i]; } } // access methods // take a point with a given index CMyPoint^ CPolygon::GetPoint(int index) { return mp[index]; } // add a point to the polyline void CPolygon::AddPoint(int nx, int ny) { n++; mp[n-1]->SetXY(nx, ny); } // determine the length of the polyline double CPolygon::Length(void) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; double len, t; CMyPoint^ pt; len = 0; // length of polyline for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++) { x1 = mp[i]->GetX(); y1 = mp[i]->GetY(); x2 = mp[i+1]->GetX(); y2 = mp[i+1]->GetY(); t = System::Math::Sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); len += t; } return len; }
Demonstrating the use of classes in another program code
// the use of CPolygon class CPolygon^ cp; cp = gcnew CPolygon; // to form a polyline with coordinates (1;2), (3;4), (5;6) cp->AddPoint(1, 2); cp->AddPoint(3, 4); cp->AddPoint(5, 6); // test int x, y; CMyPoint^ pt = gcnew CMyPoint; pt = cp->GetPoint(0); x = pt->GetX(); // x = 1 y = pt->GetY(); // y = 2 pt = cp->GetPoint(1); x = pt->GetX(); // x = 3 y = pt->GetY(); // y = 4 // determine the length of polyline double d; d = cp->Length(); // d = 5.6568...
3. An example of using an array of unmanaged pointers to a class object
Implementation of CMyPoint class
class CMyPoint { int x, y; public: // constructor CMyPoint::CMyPoint(void) { x = y = 0; } // access methods int GetX(void) { return x; } int GetY(void) { return y; } void SetXY(int x, int y) { this->x = x; this->y = y; } };
Implementation of CPolygon class
// class that describes a polygon class CPolygon { int n; CMyPoint * mp[10]; // array of pointers to CMyPoint public: // constructor CPolygon(void) { n = 0; // memory allocation - only one time for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { mp[i] = new CMyPoint; } } // access methods CMyPoint GetPoint(int index) { return *mp[index]; } void SetPoint(int index, CMyPoint& p) { int x, y; x = p.GetX(); y = p.GetY(); mp[index]->SetXY(x, y); } // add a new point void AddPoint(int x, int y) { mp[n++]->SetXY(x, y); } // calculation the length of polyline double Length(void) { double len, t; int x1, y1, x2, y2; len = 0; for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++) { x1 = mp[i]->GetX(); y1 = mp[i]->GetY(); x2 = mp[i+1]->GetX(); y2 = mp[i+1]->GetY(); t = System::Math::Sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); len = len + t; } return len; } };
A fragment of the method that demonstrates the use of the CPolygon class
// the use of an array of unmanaged pointers to a class object CPolygon cp; // class object // to form a polyline of three points cp.AddPoint(1, 2); cp.AddPoint(3, 4); cp.AddPoint(5, 6); // test int x, y; CMyPoint mp; mp = cp.GetPoint(0); x = mp.GetX(); // x = 1 y = mp.GetY(); // y = 2 // length of a polyline double d; d = cp.Length(); // d = 5.6568...