Tag Archives: public

Java. Inheritance. Basic concepts. Base class and derived class. The keyword ‘extends’. Hiding data in derived classes. Access modifiers private, protected, public

Continue reading Java. Inheritance. Basic concepts. Base class and derived class. The keyword ‘extends’. Hiding data in derived classes. Access modifiers private, protected, public

C++. Destructors. Definition of the destructor. Public and private destructors. Examples of destructors using. Differences between constructors and destructors

Continue reading C++. Destructors. Definition of the destructor. Public and private destructors. Examples of destructors using. Differences between constructors and destructors

C++. Class constructor. Features of use constructors in the classes. The default constructor. Parameterized constructors. Examples of classes that contain constructors

Continue reading C++. Class constructor. Features of use constructors in the classes. The default constructor. Parameterized constructors. Examples of classes that contain constructors